sum1( [D1|N1], [D2|N2], [D|N], C1, C, Digs1, Digs) :-
sum1( N1, N2, N, C1, C2, Digs1, Digs2),
digitsum( D1, D2, C2, D, C, Digs2, Digs).
sum1( N1, N2, N, C1, C, Digits1, Digits)
where N1, N2 and N are our three numbers,
C1 is carry from the right, and
C is carry to the left (after the summation).
Digits1 is the list of available digits for instantiating the
variables in N1, N2, and N.
Digits is the list of digits that were not used in the
instantiation of these variables.
我真的不明白C1是什么意思sum1( [D1|N1], [D2|N2], [D|N], C1, C, Digs1, Digs)