Let's consider that I have two lists
Person 1 :
2012-08 person 1 23
2012-09 person 1 63
2012-10 person 1 99
2012-11 person 1 62
Person 2 :
2012-08 person 2 45
2012-09 person 2 69
2012-10 person 2 12
2012-11 person 2 53
What's your suggestion if I'de like to have a tabular data with the following pattern:
Date Person 1 Person 2
----- --------- ---------
2012-08 23 45
2012-09 63 69
2012-10 99 12
2012-11 62 53
Here is the list :
List1 = [(u'201206', u'Customer_1', 0.19048299999999993), (u'201207', u'Customer_1', 15.409000999998593), (u'201208', u'Customer_1', 71.1695730000299), (u'201209', u'Customer_1', 135.73918600011424), (u'201210', u'Customer_1', 235.26299999991522), (u'201211', u'Customer_1', 271.768984999485), (u'201212', u'Customer_1', 355.90968299883934), (u'201301', u'Customer_1', 508.39194049821526), (u'201302', u'Customer_1', 631.136656500077), (u'201303', u'Customer_1', 901.9127695088399), (u'201304', u'Customer_1', 951.9143960094264)]
List 2 = [(None, None, None), (None, None, None), (None, None, None), (None, None, None), (None, None, None), (None, None, None), (None, None, None), (u'201301', u'Customer_2', 3.7276289999999657), (u'201302', u'Customer_2', 25.39122749999623), (u'201303', u'Customer_2', 186.77777299985306), (u'201304', u'Customer_2', 387.97834699805617)]