我使用以下代码在 NTP 和 C# DateTime 之间进行转换。我认为正向转换是正确的,但反向是错误的。

请参阅以下代码将 8 个字节转换为 DatTime:

将 NTP 转换为日期时间

public static ulong GetMilliSeconds(byte[] ntpTime)
    ulong intpart = 0, fractpart = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
        intpart = 256 * intpart + ntpTime[i];
    for (var i = 4; i <= 7; i++)
        fractpart = 256 * fractpart + ntpTime[i];

    var milliseconds = intpart * 1000 + ((fractpart * 1000) / 0x100000000L);

    Debug.WriteLine("intpart:      " + intpart);
    Debug.WriteLine("fractpart:    " + fractpart);
    Debug.WriteLine("milliseconds: " + milliseconds);
    return milliseconds;

public static DateTime ConvertToDateTime(byte[] ntpTime)
    var span = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(GetMilliSeconds(ntpTime));
    var time = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
    time += span;
    return time;

从日期时间转换为 NTP

public static byte[] ConvertToNtp(ulong milliseconds)
    ulong intpart = 0, fractpart = 0;
    var ntpData = new byte[8];

    intpart = milliseconds / 1000;
    fractpart = ((milliseconds % 1000) * 0x100000000L) / 1000;

    Debug.WriteLine("intpart:      " + intpart);
    Debug.WriteLine("fractpart:    " + fractpart);
    Debug.WriteLine("milliseconds: " + milliseconds);

    var temp = intpart;
    for (var i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
        ntpData[i] = (byte)(temp % 256);
        temp = temp / 256;

    temp = fractpart;
    for (var i = 7; i >= 4; i--)
        ntpData[i] = (byte)(temp % 256);
        temp = temp / 256;
    return ntpData;


bytes = { 131, 170, 126, 128,
           46, 197, 205, 234 }

var ms = GetMilliSeconds(bytes );
var ntp = ConvertToNtp(ms)

//GetMilliSeconds output
milliseconds: 2208988800182
intpart:      2208988800
fractpart:    784715242

//ConvertToNtp output
milliseconds: 2208988800182
intpart:      2208988800
fractpart:    781684047



正如乔纳森 S. 指出的那样 - 这是分数的损失。因此,我不想来回转换,而是想直接使用 NTP 时间戳进行操作。更具体地说,添加毫秒。我会假设以下函数可以做到这一点,但我很难验证它。我对分数部分非常不确定。

public static void AddMilliSeconds(ref byte[] ntpTime, ulong millis)
    ulong intpart = 0, fractpart = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        intpart = 256 * intpart + ntpTime[i];
    for (var i = 4; i <= 7; i++)
        fractpart = 256 * fractpart + ntpTime[i];

    intpart += millis / 1000;
    fractpart += millis % 1000;

    var newIntpart = BitConverter.GetBytes(SwapEndianness(intpart));
    var newFractpart = BitConverter.GetBytes(SwapEndianness(fractpart));

    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        if (i < 4)
            ntpTime[i] = newIntpart[i];
        if (i >= 4)
            ntpTime[i] = newFractpart[i - 4];

4 回答 4


您在这里遇到的是从 NTP 时间戳到毫秒的转换中的精度损失。当您从 NTP 转换为毫秒时,您将丢弃部分分数。然后,当您获取该值并尝试转换回来时,您会得到一个略有不同的值。ulong如果将值更改为值,您可以更清楚地看到这一点decimal,如在此测试中:

public static decimal GetMilliSeconds(byte[] ntpTime)
    decimal intpart = 0, fractpart = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
        intpart = 256 * intpart + ntpTime[i];
    for (var i = 4; i <= 7; i++)
        fractpart = 256 * fractpart + ntpTime[i];

    var milliseconds = intpart * 1000 + ((fractpart * 1000) / 0x100000000L);

    Console.WriteLine("milliseconds: " + milliseconds);
    Console.WriteLine("intpart:      " + intpart);
    Console.WriteLine("fractpart:    " + fractpart);
    return milliseconds;

public static byte[] ConvertToNtp(decimal milliseconds)
    decimal intpart = 0, fractpart = 0;
    var ntpData = new byte[8];

    intpart = milliseconds / 1000;
    fractpart = ((milliseconds % 1000) * 0x100000000L) / 1000m;

    Console.WriteLine("milliseconds: " + milliseconds);
    Console.WriteLine("intpart:      " + intpart);
    Console.WriteLine("fractpart:    " + fractpart);

    var temp = intpart;
    for (var i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
        ntpData[i] = (byte)(temp % 256);
        temp = temp / 256;

    temp = fractpart;
    for (var i = 7; i >= 4; i--)
        ntpData[i] = (byte)(temp % 256);
        temp = temp / 256;
    return ntpData;

public static void Main(string[] args)
    byte[] bytes = { 131, 170, 126, 128,
           46, 197, 205, 234 };

    var ms = GetMilliSeconds(bytes);
    var ntp = ConvertToNtp(ms);


milliseconds: 2208988800182.7057548798620701
intpart:      2208988800
fractpart:    784715242

milliseconds: 2208988800182.7057548798620701
intpart:      2208988800.1827057548798620701
fractpart:    784715242.0000000000703594496

大约 0.7 毫秒在这里搞砸了。

由于 NTP 时间戳包含 32 位小数秒(“2^-32 秒或 233 皮秒的理论分辨率”),因此转换为整数毫秒将导致精度损失。


将毫秒添加到 NTP 时间戳不会像添加整数部分和小数部分那么简单。考虑添加小数点 1.75 和 2.75。0.75 + 0.75 = 1.5,你需要把它带到整数部分。此外,NTP 时间戳中的小数部分不是以 10 为底的,因此您不能只添加毫秒。一些转换是必要的,使用像ms / 1000 = ntpfrac / 0x100000000.

这完全未经测试,但我认为您希望将您的intpart +=fracpart +=行替换AddMilliSeconds为更像这样:

intpart += millis / 1000;

ulong fractsum = fractpart + (millis % 1000) / 1000 * 0x100000000L);

intpart += fractsum / 0x100000000L;
fractpart = fractsum % 0x100000000L;
于 2013-05-26T21:53:21.567 回答


ntpEpoch = (new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).Ticks;


于 2014-12-10T18:06:55.737 回答


 return (ulong)(elapsedTime.Ticks * 1e-7 * 4294967296ul)


 return (ulong)(((long)(elapsedTime.Ticks * 0.0000001) << 32) + (elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds % 1000 * 4294967296 * 0.001));

        //TicksPerPicosecond = 0.0000001m

        //4294967296 = uint.MaxValue + 1

        //0.001 == PicosecondsPerNanosecond


public static System.DateTime UtcEpoch2036 = new System.DateTime(2036, 2, 7, 6, 28, 16, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);

public static System.DateTime UtcEpoch1900 = new System.DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);

 public static ulong DateTimeToNptTimestamp(ref System.DateTime value/*, bool randomize = false*/)
        System.DateTime baseDate = value >= UtcEpoch2036 ? UtcEpoch2036 : UtcEpoch1900;

        System.TimeSpan elapsedTime = value > baseDate ? value.ToUniversalTime() - baseDate.ToUniversalTime() : baseDate.ToUniversalTime() - value.ToUniversalTime();

        //Media.Common.Extensions.TimeSpan.TimeSpanExtensions.MicrosecondsPerMillisecond = 1000

        //TicksPerPicosecond = 0.0000001m = 1e-7

        //4294967296 = uint.MaxValue + 1

        //0.001 == PicosecondsPerNanosecond = 1e-3            

        //429496.7296 Picoseconds = 4.294967296e-7 Seconds

        //4.294967296e-7 * 1000 Milliseconds per second = 0.0004294967296 * 1e+9 (PicosecondsPerMilisecond) = 429.4967296

        //0.4294967296 nanoseconds * 100 nanoseconds = 1 tick = 42.94967296 * 10000 ticks per millisecond = 429496.7296 / 1000 = 429.49672960000004

            //return (ulong)((long)(elapsedTime.Ticks * 0.0000001m) << 32 | (long)((decimal)elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds % 1000 * 4294967296m * 0.001m));
            //return (ulong)(((long)(elapsedTime.Ticks * 0.0000001m) << 32) + (elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds % 1000 * 4294967296ul * 0.001));
            //return (ulong)(elapsedTime.Ticks * 1e-7 * 4294967296ul); //ie-7 * 4294967296ul = 429.4967296 has random diff which complies better? (In order to minimize bias and help make timestamps unpredictable to an intruder, the non - significant bits should be set to an unbiased random bit string.)
            //return (ulong)(elapsedTime.Ticks * 429.4967296m);//decimal precision is better but we still lose precision because of the magnitude? 0.001 msec dif ((ulong)(elapsedTime.Ticks * 429.4967296000000000429m))
            //429.49672960000004m has reliable 003 msec diff
            //Has 0 diff but causes fraction to be different from examples...
            //return (ulong)((elapsedTime.Ticks + 1) * 429.4967296m);
            //Also adding + 429ul;
            return (ulong)(elapsedTime.Ticks * 429.496729600000000000429m);
            //var ticks =  (ulong)(elapsedTime.Ticks * 429.496729600000000000429m); //Has 0 diff on .137 measures otherwise 0.001 msec or 1 tick, keeps the examples the same.
            //if(randomize) ticks ^= (ulong)(Utility.Random.Next() & byte.MaxValue);
            //return ticks;


public static System.DateTime NptTimestampToDateTime(ref uint seconds, ref uint fractions, System.DateTime? epoch = null)
            //Convert to ticks
            //ulong ticks = (ulong)((seconds * System.TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) + ((fractions * System.TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) / 0x100000000L)); //uint.MaxValue + 1

                //Convert to ticks,                 

                //'UtcEpoch1900.AddTicks(seconds * System.TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond + ((long)(fractions * 1e+12))).Millisecond' threw an exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException'

                //0.01 millisecond = 1e+7 picseconds = 10000 nanoseconds
                //10000 nanoseconds = 10 micros = 10000000 pioseconds
                //0.001 Centisecond = 10 Microsecond
                //1 Tick = 0.1 Microsecond
                //0.1 * 100 Nanos Per Tick = 100
                //TenMicrosecondsPerPicosecond = 10000000 = TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond = 10000000 
                                                                                            //System.TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond is fine here also...
                long ticks = seconds * System.TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond + ((long)(fractions * Media.Common.Extensions.TimeSpan.TimeSpanExtensions.TenMicrosecondsPerPicosecond) >> Common.Binary.BitsPerInteger);

                //Return the result of adding the ticks to the epoch
                //If the epoch was given then use that value otherwise determine the epoch based on the highest bit.
                return epoch.HasValue ? epoch.Value.AddTicks(ticks) :
                        (seconds & 0x80000000L) == 0 ?
                            UtcEpoch2036.AddTicks(ticks) :
于 2019-01-07T02:08:29.197 回答

DateTime 滴答到 NTP 并返回。

static long ntpEpoch = (new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).Ticks;
static public long Ntp2Ticks(UInt64 a)
  var b = (decimal)a * 1e7m / (1UL << 32);
  return (long)b + ntpEpoch;
static public UInt64 Ticks2Ntp(long a)
    decimal b = a - ntpEpoch;
    b = (decimal)b / 1e7m * (1UL << 32);
    return (UInt64)b;
于 2014-04-18T18:45:07.747 回答