So I'm working on a blog, but I'm stumbeling on organizing content with clear URL paths. Basically, I want every post that is created to have a unique URL path like "http://www.site.com/article/article_name." At this point I have my URLs look like "http://www.site.com/article.jsp?article=article_name," where article.jsp generates different content through:


I'm aware of servlet mapping to invoke servlets based on URL patterns, but I'm not quite sure how that works, and whether if I need it at all.


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您可以用来实现此目的的一种方法是创建您自己的方法Filter,它将接收来自http://www.site.com/article/*的所有请求并将它们重定向到您的 article.jsp?name=*。

例子 :

public class URLFilter implements Filter
    public void  init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException


    public void doFilter(ServletRequest p_oRequest, ServletResponse p_oResponse, FilterChain p_oChain) throws IOException, ServletException
        String sName = oRequest.getRequestURI();

        if(sName.lastIndexOf('/') != -1)
            sName = sName.substring(sName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
            // You could trap that in your article.jsp to show error message
            sName = "404";

        p_oRequest.getRequestDispatcher("/article.jsp?name=" + sName).forward(p_oRequest,p_oResponse);

当然,您需要改进它并进行一些验证。此外,此代码尚未经过测试,但基于我的 JSF CMS URLFilter。


于 2013-05-26T20:03:23.660 回答