Can i rely on that every browser will only send the POST data from the form they were posted from, or is there some browsers that sends additional data along?

The reason i am asking is, that i have a form with a lot of fields, that may only be numeric. So the easiest validation would be to just run it through a function that checks if every field is numeric.

The browsers that i have on my machine, only sends the fields from the form, so i'm hoping that goes for every other browser.


1 回答 1


我可以依赖每个浏览器只会从它们发布的表单发送 POST 数据,还是有一些浏览器会发送额外的数据?

一点都不。如果不是用户指定的,浏览器通常不会发送其他 POST 数据,但这不是信任 POST 数据的理由。


我不会那样做的。您可以创建一组预定义的$_POST索引来检查并在其上运行 foreach。不要foreach直接在 POST 值上使用。


通常是这种情况,但不仅可以通过提交表单来发出 POST 请求。因此,任何 POST 数据都应始终进行验证,而忽略未请求的数据。

于 2013-05-26T13:41:18.187 回答