I been struggling to reset form once form is submitted. Someone posted this Here which I want to make it work but no success. Here is my My Code Example.

$scope.form.$setPristine(); is not setting Pristine: {{user_form.$pristine}} to true. See example above.


6 回答 6


$setPristine() was introduced in the 1.1.x branch of angularjs. You need to use that version rather than 1.0.7 in order for it to work.

See http://plnkr.co/edit/815Bml?p=preview

于 2013-05-26T13:51:16.153 回答

Had a similar problem, where I had to set the form back to pristine, but also to untouched, since $invalid and $error were both used to show error messages. Only using setPristine() was not enough to clear the error messages.

I solved it by using setPristine() and setUntouched(). (See Angular's documentation: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/ngModel.NgModelController)

So, in my controller, I used:


These two functions reset the complete form to $pristine and back to $untouched, so that all error messages were cleared.

于 2016-12-04T12:13:41.950 回答

Just for those who want to get $setPristine without having to upgrade to v1.1.x, here is the function I used to simulate the $setPristine function. I was reluctant to use the v1.1.5 because one of the AngularUI components I used is no compatible.

var setPristine = function(form) {
    if (form.$setPristine) {//only supported from v1.1.x
    } else {
         *Underscore looping form properties, you can use for loop too like:
         *for(var i in form){ 
         *  var input = form[i]; ...
        _.each(form, function (input) {
            if (input.$dirty) {
                input.$dirty = false;

Note that it ONLY makes $dirty fields clean and help changing the 'show error' condition like $scope.myForm.myField.$dirty && $scope.myForm.myField.$invalid.

Other parts of the form object (like the css classes) still need to consider, but this solve my problem: hide error messages.

于 2013-08-05T07:45:37.923 回答

There is another way to pristine form that is by sending form into the controller. For example:-

In view:-

<form name="myForm" ng-submit="addUser(myForm)" novalidate>
    <input type="text" ng-mode="user.name"/>
     <span style="color:red" ng-show="myForm.name.$dirty && myForm.name.$invalid">
      <span ng-show="myForm.name.$error.required">Name is required.</span>

    <button ng-disabled="myForm.$invalid">Add User</button>

In Controller:-

$scope.addUser = function(myForm) {
于 2016-10-04T06:51:26.473 回答

DavidLn's answer has worked well for me in the past. But it doesn't capture all of setPristine's functionality, which tripped me up this time. Here is a fuller shim:

var form_set_pristine = function(form){
    // 2013-12-20 DF TODO: remove this function on Angular 1.1.x+ upgrade
    // function is included natively

    } else {
        form.$pristine = true;
        form.$dirty = false;
        angular.forEach(form, function (input, key) {
            if (input.$pristine)
                input.$pristine = true;
            if (input.$dirty) {
                input.$dirty = false;
于 2013-12-20T21:14:12.897 回答

I solved the same problem of having to reset a form at its pristine state in Angular version 1.0.7 (no $setPristine method)

In my use case, the form, after being filled and submitted must disappear until it is again necessary for filling another record. So I made the show/hide effect by using ng-switch instead of ng-show. As I suspected, with ng-switch, the form DOM sub-tree is completely removed and later recreated. So the pristine state is automatically restored.

I like it because it is simple and clean but it may not be a fit for anybody's use case.

it may also imply some performance issues for big forms (?) In my situation I did not face this problem yet.

于 2013-09-18T18:10:17.543 回答