我在我的代码中使用 LINQ 查询,该查询需要多次编写,在 where 条件下进行微小的更改。我的查询是

var sdata = from r in dt.AsEnumerable()
where r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours < 20 &&
          r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours >= 4
    group r by r["TXT_TARGET_CELL_ID"] into g
    select new

        CellID = g.Key,
        TotalCommCount = g.Count(),
        TotalDuration = g.Sum(r => r.Field<int>("LNG_DURATION")),
        InSMSCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 1 &&
                                  r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 5),
        OutSMSCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 2 &&
                                   r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 5),
        InVoiceCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 1 &&
                                    r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 1),
        OutVoiceCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 2 &&
                                     r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 1),
        InVoiceDuration = g.Where(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 1 &&
                                    r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 1)
                           .Sum(r => r.Field<int>("lNG_DURATION")),
        OutVoiceDuration = g.Where(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 2 &&
                                        r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 1)
                           .Sum(r => r.Field<int>("LNG_DURATION")),
        Latitude = g.Any(s => s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "") ? g.First(s => s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "").Field<string>("TXT_LATITUDE") : "",
        Longitude = g.Any(s => s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "") ? g.First(s => s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "").Field<string>("TXT_LONGITUDE") : "",
        BTS_Address = g.Any(s => s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "") ? g.First(s => s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "").Field<string>("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") : "",
        Azimuth = g.Any(s => s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "") ? g.First(s => s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                        ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "").Field<string>("TXT_AZIMUTH_DEG") : ""

    } into summary
orderby summary.TotalCommCount descending
select summary;

在这里,我只需要每次更改 where 条件,其余部分保持不变,即选择新部分。我可以在代码中编写一次此查询并通过更改 where 条件来调用它吗?


4 回答 4



private static bool Where1(DT r)
    return r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours < 20 &&
                        r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours >= 4

这将分配给您可以在表达式中使用的 Func;

Func<DT, bool> myWhere
if(whereCase1)                             // Decide which Where predicate to use
   myWhere = Where1;
   myWhere = Where2;

var sdata = from r in dt.AsEnumerable()
            where myWhere(r)               // Use the chosen Where predicate.
            group r by r["TXT_TARGET_CELL_ID"]
            into g
            select new...

Where要以稍微更动态的方式构建条件,您可以创建一个返回 where 条件而不是 bool 的函数;

    private static Func<DT, bool> WhereHoursAreBetween(int min, int max)
        return r => r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours < max &&
                    r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours >= min;


myWhere = WhereHoursAreBetween(4, 20);

...这使得myWhere小时数在 4 到 20 之间。

于 2013-05-26T06:01:12.440 回答


public dynamic MyLinq(IEnumerable r, Predicate<Object> whereClause)
    return from r
    where whereClause(r)
        group r by r["TXT_TARGET_CELL_ID"] into g
        select new

            CellID = g.Key,
            TotalCommCount = g.Count(),
            TotalDuration = g.Sum(r => r.Field<int>("LNG_DURATION")),
            InSMSCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 1 &&
                                      r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 5),
            OutSMSCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 2 &&
                                       r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 5),
            InVoiceCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 1 &&
                                        r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 1),
            OutVoiceCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 2 &&
                                         r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 1),
            InVoiceDuration = g.Where(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 1 &&
                                        r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 1)
                               .Sum(r => r.Field<int>("lNG_DURATION")),
            OutVoiceDuration = g.Where(r => r.Field<Int16>("INT_DIRECTION") == 2 &&
                                            r.Field<Int16>("INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE") == 1)
                               .Sum(r => r.Field<int>("LNG_DURATION")),
            Latitude = g.Any(s => s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "") ? g.First(s => s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "").Field<string>("TXT_LATITUDE") : "",
            Longitude = g.Any(s => s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "") ? g.First(s => s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "").Field<string>("TXT_LONGITUDE") : "",
            BTS_Address = g.Any(s => s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "") ? g.First(s => s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "").Field<string>("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") : "",
            Azimuth = g.Any(s => s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "") ? g.First(s => s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS") != null && s.Field<string>
                            ("TXT_TARGET_BTS_LOCATION_ADDRESS").Trim() != "").Field<string>("TXT_AZIMUTH_DEG") : ""

        } into summary
    orderby summary.TotalCommCount descending
    select summary;



var sdata = MyLinq(dt.AsEnumerable(), r => r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours < 20 && r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours >= 4)

您可能需要更改ObjectPredicate<Object>您的实际类型,以便您可以访问 .Field 值。

于 2013-05-26T06:24:23.617 回答


于 2013-05-26T05:52:22.223 回答

创建一个接收Predicate. 就像是:

dynamic MyLinq(Predicate<Object> Check)
     return from r in dt.AsEnumerable()
     where Check(r)
     select r;
于 2013-05-26T05:53:46.980 回答