I'm creating a program in c# that will get hold of all the files in a given directory that were created on a specific date and then zip these files and store them in another directory. Sounds plain and simple, I have a license for Teleriks components so that takes care of the zipping business.

BUT in order to select the files I use the following code:

        //Get all files created yesterday
        DateTime to_date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

        var directory = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Path_Of_Files");

        var files = directory.GetFiles()
                    .Where(file => file.CreationTime <= to_date);

        if (files.Count() > 0)
          //Zipping code here

This however gives me ALL the files in the directory, so instead of zipping 700 files, it zips all 53'000 files in the folder, which isn't what I wanted.

When I look in the Windows Explorer I see the correct date in the "Last Modified" column, but for some reason my code refuse to acknowledge the same date. I've tried with both:

        var files = directory.GetFiles()
                    .Where(file => file.CreationTime <= to_date);


        var files = directory.GetFiles()
                    .Where(file => file.LastWriteTime <= to_date);

Both with the same result.

What am I doing wrong?


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var files = directory.GetFiles()
    .Where(file => file.LastWriteTime.Date == to_date.Date);


于 2013-05-25T22:13:52.280 回答