我已经为 Android 实现了 GPS 追踪器。到目前为止,它工作得很好,但我在计算轨道的正确高度差时遇到了问题。我想总结设备“爬升”和“下降”的所有仪表。我在后台服务中执行此操作,将当前位置对象与前一个位置对象进行比较,并将差异直接存储为数据库中的列。如果我在赛道完成后总结这一点,我得到的值大约是使用气压计的自行车速度计测量的 2.5 倍(1500m 对 650m)。

我知道 GPS 设备的测量高度不准确。有没有办法“标准化”测量的高度?例如,我是否应该忽略 2 米以下的所有高度变化?另一种可能性是使用额外的传感器,因为某些设备也有气压计。但这只会在某些设备上有所帮助。


编辑 28.05.2013:布莱斯的回答让我走上了正轨。我开始在网上搜索,发现了一个非常简单且易于实现的低通滤波器。我在 C++ 中做到了这一点


class Node {
    double distance;
    double altitude;
    double altitudeup;
    double altitudedown;
    double latitude;
    double longitude;
    long timestamp;

    Node(double dist, double alti, double altiup, double altidown, double lat, double lon, long ts);
    double getAltitude();
    double getAltitudeup();
    double getAltitudedown();


void SimpleLowPass::applySLP()
    double altiUp = 0;
    double altiDown = 0;
    double prevAlti = this->nodeList[0]->getAltitude();
    double newAlti = prevAlti;
    for (auto n : this->nodeList)
        double cur = n->getAltitude();
//        All the power of the filter is in the line
//        newAlti += (cur - newAlti) / smoothing.
//        This finds the difference between the new value and the current (smoothed)
//        value, shrinks it based on the strength of the filter, and then adds it
//        to the smoothed value. You can see that if smoothing is set to 1 then the
//        smoothed value always becomes the next value. If the smoothing is set to
//        2 then the smoothed value moves halfway to each new point on each new
//        frame. The larger the smoothing value, the less the smoothed line is
//        perturbed by new changes.
        newAlti += (cur - newAlti) / 20.0;
        std::cout << "newAlti: " << newAlti << std::endl;
        if (prevAlti > newAlti)
            altiDown += prevAlti - newAlti;
        if (newAlti > prevAlti)
            altiUp += newAlti - prevAlti;
        prevAlti = newAlti;

    std::cout << "Alti UP total: " << altiUp << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Alti DOWN total: " << altiDown << std::endl;

这是一个快速而肮脏的实现。但是平滑值为 20 时,我得到了很好的结果。我仍然需要录制更多曲目并比较结果。在我发现这个低通滤波器的网站上还有帧速率独立实现,我想玩一个移动平均实现。




3 回答 3




使用任何传感器(GPS 或气压计),高度都会反弹一点,我们不希望这些小反弹被记录为短暂的下降和爬升。因此,当我们攀登时,我们希望忽略海拔的小幅下降。

double THRESHOLD = 10;
Direction climbingOrDescending = Direction.NONE;

double totalAscent = 0;
double totalDescent = 0;

double climbStart;
double maxAltitude;

double descentStart;
double minAltitude;

public void onSample(double sample) {
    if (climbingOrDescending == Direction.NONE) {
        // First sample
        climbingOrDescending = Direction.CLIMBING; // Arbitrary
        climbStart = sample;
        maxAltitude = sample;
    } else if (climbingOrDescending == Direction.CLIMBING) {
        if (sample > maxAltitude) {
            maxAltitude = sample;
        } else if (sample < (maxAltitude - THRESHOLD) ) {
            // bounces in sample that are smaller than THRESHOLD are ignored. If 
            // the sample is far below maxAltitude... it is not a bounce, record
            // the climb and move to a descending state
            double altitudeGainedThisClimb = maxAltitude  - climbStart;
            totalAscent +=  altitudeGainedThisClimb;
            // Prepare for descent.
            climbingOrDescending = Direction.DESCENDING;
            descentStart = maxAltitude;
            minAltitude = sample;
    } else { // climbingOrDescending == DESCENDING
        // similar code goes here to measure descents

public double getTotalAscent() {
    if (climbingOrDescending == Direction.CLIMBING) {
        return totalAscent + (maxAltitude - climbStart);
    } else {
        return totalAscent;
于 2013-05-25T23:45:34.317 回答



于 2013-05-25T20:54:52.307 回答


于 2013-05-25T20:56:56.927 回答