//It is always good to declare stuff like this in a central place
//That way they're easy to change, and you change it everywhere you have that express intent
$SQL_NEW_SUBSCRIPTION = "INSERT INTO subscribers(email) VALUES (?)";
//Functions make testing easy!
static function attemptSubscription($postValues, &$returnMsg) {
if ( isset($postValues['subscribe'])
&& isset($postValues['email']) //be sure to validate both!
if (isValidEmail($postValues['email'])) {
subscribe($email);//this syntax may be off.
} else {
$returnMsg = "A valid email address must be provided.";
return false;
} else {
$returnMsg = "No subscription was attempted.";
return false;
//Returns true if the passed parameter is a valid email
static function isValidEmail($email) {
//left as an exercise for the reader.
//Assumes a valid email address is being passed
static function subscribe($email, &$returnMsg) {
global $mysql; //sadly, this is the cleanest way possible without using a class.
$stmt->bind_param('s', $email);
$stmt->store_result(); // This lets you reuse stmt
if($stmt->field_count > 0){
//Subscription already exists
$returnMsg = "This subscription already exists.";
return true;
} else {
//Subscription must be added
return addNewSubscription($email, $returnMsg);
static function addNewSubscription($email, &$returnMsg) {
global $mysql; // :(
$stmt->bind_param('s', $email);
$returnMsg = "New subscription successful!";
return true;
} else {
$returnMsg = "New subscription failed.";//you can add more info here if you want
return false;
//now actually execute
$resultMsg = "";
if (attemptSubscription($_POST, $resultMsg)) {
echo "Success! ".$resultMsg;
} else {
echo "Oh no! Failure! ".$resultMsg;
// ?> Note that eliding this will help remove nasty hidden characters from the rendered html
使用这种配置,您可以验证各个命令是否正常工作,而无需首先执行它们嵌套的结构。特别是,验证第二个 sql 查询至关重要:非绑定错误通常是因为列或找不到表。然而,话虽如此,请意识到该prepare()
语句所做的是将查询发送到服务器以检查语法;该查询永远不会重新发送,而是在服务器中保持“加载”状态,直到您告诉它(使用另一条语句)摆脱它。当您随后绑定参数时,该参数将发送到服务器并放入可用槽 ( ?
从您提供的详细信息中尚不清楚确切的问题出在哪里,但是如果您以更干净的方式编写代码,调试这些问题将变得容易得多:您的第二个 sql 语句是否不好?是不是您没有从第一条语句中正确释放服务器资源?