I am using poll for implementing the server side of a client-server model with multiplexing.

There's a main loop that the server is running.
In each loop I am checking all the fds at the array of struct pollfd until I find n sockets that have content for me (where n is the number that poll returned).
Also, poll is used without timeout (-1 as argument).

So if a new connection is requested at the listening socket I am inserting the socket and some client information into a active connections list I am keeping.

What is the most efficient way to handle the array of poll?

Should I define a small array of size 10 and if there are more clients re allocate memory for an array of size 20 or 50?

Or should I: (a) free the array of struct pollfd type, and (b) reallocate it with size that is equal to the size of the list(+1 for the listening socket) => every time a client closes a connection (and thus I have to remove an element from the array (probably setting the socket to -1, so that poll ignores it) resulting in unused space in array)

What do you recommend?

Thank you for your time

Edit: I think I've found a solution with realloc and shifting with memmove each time a client disconnects to cover his socket at the fds array.


1 回答 1




我应该定义一个大小为 10 的小数组,如果有更多的客户端为大小为 20 或 50 的数组重新分配内存?

如果您的分析器确定您pollfd的 s 是您程序中的一个重要瓶颈,并且您的老板(或教授)说您的程序“不够快”,那就去吧。如果您的列表将获得的最大值是 50,那么只需使用静态数组,将fd成员设置-1为一小部分。


或者我应该:(a)释放 struct pollfd 类型的数组,并且(b)重新分配它的大小等于列表的大小(监听套接字+1)=>每次客户端关闭连接时(因此我必须从数组中删除一个元素(可能将套接字设置为-1,以便 poll 忽略它)导致数组中未使用空间)

我能想到的最简单的算法在调整大小时会加倍空间。realloc与线性调整大小相比,加倍调整大小的最显着好处可能是减少调用次数;与其接受 1024 个连接并调用realloc1024 次,我更愿意接受 1024 个连接并调用realloc10 或 11 次。这对我来说似乎也更简单,因为不需要将数组容量单独存储到已用计数;您可以使用二进制数的属性来发挥自己的优势:(n - 1) & n == 0何时n是 2 的幂。

#define is_power_of_two(n) !(((n) - 1) & (n))

struct pollfd *pollfd_array_resize(struct pollfd *array, size_t size) {
    const size_t max_size = SIZE_MAX / sizeof *array;
    if (size == max_size) { return NULL; }
    if (is_power_of_two(size)) {
        array = realloc(array, (size > 0 ? size * 2 : 1) * sizeof *array);
    return array;

编辑:我想我已经找到了一个使用 realloc 的解决方案,并在每次客户端断开连接以覆盖 fds 数组中的套接字时使用 memmove 移动。



size_t pollfd_array_defrag(struct pollfd *array, size_t size) {
    size_t new_size = 0;
    for (size_t x = 0; x + 1 < size; x++) {
        if (array[x].fd < 0) {

        array[new_size++] = array[x];
    return new_size;

int main(void) {
    size_t size = 0, index;
    struct pollfd *array = NULL;
    struct index_stack *recently_freed = NULL;

     * ... snip for insertion ... */
    if (recently_freed && recently_freed->size > 0) {
        index = index_stack_pop(&recently_freed);
    else {
        struct pollfd *temp = pollfd_array_resize(array, size);

        if (temp == NULL) {
            /* TODO: Handle memory allocation errors */

        array = temp;
        index = size++;

    array[index] = (struct pollfd) { .fd = your_fd,
                                     .events = your_events,
                                     .revents = your_revents };

     * ... snip for removal ... */
    index_stack_push(&recently_freed, index);
    array[index] = -1;

     * ... snip for defragmentation ... */
    if (is_power_of_two(recently_freed->size) && recently_freed->size * 2 + 1 > size) {
        size = pollfd_array_defrag(array);
        /* array will shrink in future insertions */
        recently_freed = NULL;
于 2013-05-25T19:24:47.537 回答