我有一个 web 服务,它是一个列出所有记录的数组函数。但是,我想在视图模型中调用它并将其绑定到我的表。这是我所得到的并且现在被卡住了。感谢您的帮助或建议。
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] //used to output response format into JSON rather than XML
public records[] list(string appName, int userId, string filterFields)
records[] thisrecord = new records[1];
int currentRow = 0;
SQLText = "SELECT id,name FROM REcordTable order by name";
// Connect to Database
using (DbCommand cmd = vcConnect.getDataCommand(appName, conn, SQLText))
using (DbDataReader rdr = vcConnect.getDataReader(appName, cmd)) // Read the returned resultset
while (rdr.Read())
if (currentRow > 0)
Array.Resize(ref thisrecord, currentRow + 1);
thisrecord[currentRow].id = (int)rdr["id"];
thisrecord[currentRow].name = rdr["name"].ToString();
catch (Exception Ex)
return thisrecord;
<div id="records">
<button title="button">Button</button>
<tbody data-bind="foreach: loop">
<td data-bind="text: ViewModel.thisId"></td>
<td data-bind="text: ViewModel.thisName"></td>
var ViewModel = {
loop: ko.observableArray([]);
//I want to be able to call the webservice(records function) and be able to bind it to the table and list out all the records.
因此,我希望能够调用 webservice(records function) 并能够将其绑定到表并列出所有记录。