我对 JavaScript 非常陌生(我来自 Java 背景),我正在尝试用少量资金进行一些财务计算。


<script type="text/javascript">
    var normBase = ("[price]").replace("$", "");
    var salesBase = ("[saleprice]").replace("$", "");
    var base;
    if (salesBase != 0) {
        base = salesBase;
    } else {
        base = normBase;
    var per5  = (base - (base * 0.05));
    var per7  = (base - (base * 0.07));
    var per10 = (base - (base * 0.10));
    var per15 = (base - (base * 0.15));
        '5% Off: $'  + (Math.ceil(per5  * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + '<br/>' +
        '7% Off: $'  + (Math.ceil(per7  * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + '<br/>' +
        '10% Off: $' + (Math.ceil(per10 * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + '<br/>' +
        '15% Off: $' + (Math.ceil(per15 * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + '<br/>'


在 Java 中,我会从一开始就完全避免使用浮点数,但是在 JavaScript 中似乎没有默认包含类似的东西。

问题是,所有提到的库要么被破坏,要么用于不同的目的。该jsfromhell.com/classes/bignumber库非常接近我的需要,但是我在舍入和精度方面遇到了奇怪的问题......无论我将 Round Type 设置为什么,它似乎都是自己决定的。因此,例如,精度为 2 和圆形的 3.7107 以ROUND_HALF_UP某种方式结束为 3.72,而它应该是 3.71。

我还尝试了@JasonSmith BigDecimal 库(来自 Java 的 BigDecimal 的机加工端口),但它似乎适用于我没有运行选项的 node.js。

我如何使用 vanilla JavaScript(并且可靠)来实现这一点,或者是否有一个现代的(上面提到的那些现在都已经老了)库,我可以使用它来维护并且没有损坏?


5 回答 5


由于我们对 . 有原生支持BigInt,因此不再需要太多代码来实现BigDecimal.


  • 小数位数配置为常数,适用于所有实例。
  • 是否截断或舍入过多的数字被配置为布尔常量。
  • 实例将十进制数存储为 a BigInt,乘以 10 的幂以包含小数。
  • 所有计算都使用这些BigInt值进行。
  • 传递给addsubtractmultiply的参数divide可以是数字、字符串或BigDecimal
  • 这些方法返回新实例,因此 aBigDecimal被视为不可变的。
  • toString方法重新引入了小数点。
  • ABigDecimal可以强制转换为一个数字(通过对 的隐式调用toString),但这显然会导致精度损失。

class BigDecimal {
    // Configuration: constants
    static DECIMALS = 18; // number of decimals on all instances
    static ROUNDED = true; // numbers are truncated (false) or rounded (true)
    static SHIFT = BigInt("1" + "0".repeat(BigDecimal.DECIMALS)); // derived constant
    constructor(value) {
        if (value instanceof BigDecimal) return value;
        let [ints, decis] = String(value).split(".").concat("");
        this._n = BigInt(ints + decis.padEnd(BigDecimal.DECIMALS, "0")
                                     .slice(0, BigDecimal.DECIMALS)) 
                  + BigInt(BigDecimal.ROUNDED && decis[BigDecimal.DECIMALS] >= "5");
    static fromBigInt(bigint) {
        return Object.assign(Object.create(BigDecimal.prototype), { _n: bigint });
    add(num) {
        return BigDecimal.fromBigInt(this._n + new BigDecimal(num)._n);
    subtract(num) {
        return BigDecimal.fromBigInt(this._n - new BigDecimal(num)._n);
    static _divRound(dividend, divisor) {
        return BigDecimal.fromBigInt(dividend / divisor 
            + (BigDecimal.ROUNDED ? dividend  * 2n / divisor % 2n : 0n));
    multiply(num) {
        return BigDecimal._divRound(this._n * new BigDecimal(num)._n, BigDecimal.SHIFT);
    divide(num) {
        return BigDecimal._divRound(this._n * BigDecimal.SHIFT, new BigDecimal(num)._n);
    toString() {
        const s = this._n.toString().padStart(BigDecimal.DECIMALS+1, "0");
        return s.slice(0, -BigDecimal.DECIMALS) + "." + s.slice(-BigDecimal.DECIMALS)
                .replace(/\.?0+$/, "");

// Demo
var a = new BigDecimal("123456789123456789876");
var b = a.divide("10000000000000000000");
var c = b.add("9.000000000000000004");
console.log(+c); // loss of precision when converting to number

于 2021-04-04T08:14:27.023 回答


主页- https://openexchangerates.github.io/accounting.js/

Github - https://github.com/openexchangerates/accounting.js

于 2013-05-24T19:54:14.703 回答


最后 3 个来自同一作者:查看差异

于 2020-05-13T01:17:47.430 回答


我目前正在使用以下使用 BigInt 的任意精度。仅支持加减乘除。调用set_precision(8);将精度设置为 8 位小数。


class AssertionError extends Error {

   * @param {String|void} message
  constructor (message) {
    this.name = 'AssertionError';
    if (Error.captureStackTrace instanceof Function) {
      Error.captureStackTrace(this, AssertionError);

  toJSON () {
    return { name: this.name, message: this.message, stack: this.stack };

   * @param {Boolean} value
   * @param {String|void} message
  static assert (value, message) {
    if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
      throw new Error('assert(value, message?), "value" must be a boolean.');
    if (message !== undefined && typeof message !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('assert(value, message?), "message" must be a string.');
    if (value === false) {
      throw new AssertionError(message);

module.exports = AssertionError;
const AssertionError = require('./AssertionError');

let precision = 2;
let precision_multiplier = 10n ** BigInt(precision);
let max_safe_integer = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) * precision_multiplier;

 * @param {Number} value
const set_precision = (value) => {
  AssertionError.assert(typeof value === 'number');
  AssertionError.assert(Number.isFinite(value) === true);
  AssertionError.assert(Number.isInteger(value) === true);
  AssertionError.assert(value >= 0 === true);
  precision = value;
  precision_multiplier = 10n ** BigInt(precision);
  max_safe_integer = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) * precision_multiplier;

 * @param {Number} value
const to_bigint = (value) => {
  AssertionError.assert(typeof value === 'number');
  AssertionError.assert(Number.isFinite(value) === true);
  return BigInt(value.toFixed(precision).replace('.', ''));

 * @param {BigInt} value
 * @param {Number} decimal_places
const to_number = (value) => {
  AssertionError.assert(typeof value === 'bigint');
  AssertionError.assert(value <= max_safe_integer);
  const value_string = value.toString().padStart(2 + precision, '0');
  const whole = value_string.substring(0, value_string.length - precision);
  const decimal = value_string.substring(value_string.length - precision, value_string.length);
  const result = Number(`${whole}.${decimal}`);
  return result;

 * @param  {Number[]} values
const add = (...values) => to_number(values.reduce((previous, current) => previous === null ? to_bigint(current) : previous + to_bigint(current), null));
const subtract = (...values) => to_number(values.reduce((previous, current) => previous === null ? to_bigint(current) : previous - to_bigint(current), null));
const multiply = (...values) => to_number(values.reduce((previous, current) => previous === null ? to_bigint(current) : (previous * to_bigint(current)) / precision_multiplier, null));
const divide = (...values) => to_number(values.reduce((previous, current) => previous === null ? to_bigint(current) : (previous * precision_multiplier) / to_bigint(current), null));

const arbitrary = { set_precision, add, subtract, multiply, divide };

module.exports = arbitrary;

const arbitrary = require('./arbitrary');

const add = arbitrary.add;
const subtract = arbitrary.subtract;
const multiply = arbitrary.multiply;
const divide = arbitrary.divide;

console.log(add(75, 25, 25)); // 125
console.log(subtract(75, 25, 25)); // 25
console.log(multiply(5, 5)); // 25
console.log(add(5, multiply(5, 5))); // 30
console.log(divide(125, 5, 5)); // 5
console.log(divide(1000, 10, 10)); // 10
console.log(divide(1000, 8.86)); // 112.86681715
console.log(add(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0)); // 9007199254740991
console.log(subtract(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 1)); // 9007199254740990
console.log(multiply(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0.5)); // 4503599627370495.5
console.log(divide(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 2)); // 4503599627370495.5
console.log(multiply(Math.PI, Math.PI)); // 9.86960437
console.log(divide(Math.PI, Math.PI)); // 1
console.log(divide(1, 12)); // 0.08333333
console.log(add(0.1, 0.2)); // 0.3
console.log(multiply(1.500, 1.3)); // 1.95
console.log(multiply(0, 1)); // 0
console.log(multiply(0, -1)); // 0
console.log(multiply(-1, 1)); // -1
console.log(divide(1.500, 1.3)); // 1.15384615
console.log(divide(0, 1)); // 0
console.log(divide(0, -1)); // 0
console.log(divide(-1, 1)); // -1
console.log(multiply(5, 5, 5, 5)); // 625
console.log(multiply(5, 5, 5, 123, 123, 5)); // 9455625
于 2021-01-21T11:03:39.540 回答

将 @trincot 的 BigDecimal 出色实现包装到 NPM 模块中,并结合 BigInt polyfill JSBI 和逆波兰符号算法。

有了这个模块,现在在 JS 中进行任意算术计算都非常直观,甚至兼容 IE11。

npm 安装 jsbi 计算器

import JBC from "jsbi-calculator";

const { calculator } = JBC;

const expressionOne = "((10 * (24 / ((9 + 3) * (-2)))) + 17) + 5";
const resultOne = calculator(expressionOne);
// -> '12'

const max = String(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
// -> '9007199254740991'
const expressionTwo = `${max} + 2`;
const resultTwo = calculator(expressionTwo);
// -> '9007199254740993'

这是 npm 页面的链接。https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsbi-calculator

再次感谢@trincot 的启发。

于 2021-11-26T08:34:31.227 回答