I'm passing a very long URL parameter in the URL below .. but it only returns "[" with the get method .. Below is the URL

What can I do to fix this .. What I actually did in php is this, the variable $data_for_chart contains the whole parameter that you see above .. It's imperative that I have the parameters with brackets and commas that separate it because I will use it to generate the google charts in productsum2.php

 echo "<p><a class='iframe' href='productsums2.php?id=".$data_for_chart."'>Outside Webpage (Iframe)</a></p>"; 

<a class='iframe' href='productsums2.php?id=['Tutorial', 0],
['Website How To', 0],
['Photos', 0],
['Tutorial', 0],
['Website How To', 0],
['Photos', 0],
['Core Values', 0],
['Corporate Tour', 0],
['Customer Testimonials', 0],
['Introduction', 0],
['Electrical Assemblies', 0],
['Electrical Connectors', 0],
['Air Assemblies', 0],
['Air Connectors', 0],
['Wire & Cable', 0],
['Battery Terminals & Accessories', 0],
['Wire Terminals', 0],
['Heat Shrink Tubing', 0],
['Cable/Wire Support & Accessories', 0],
['Trailer Harness System', 0],
['Dome Lamps & Controllers', 0],
['Tools', 0],
['Traffic Builders', 0],
['Full Catalog', 0],
['CSA QWIK-FIX Roadside Repair Kit', 0],
['Anodized Swinger Gladhand', 0],
['STA-LOCK Cast Iron Swinger Gladhand', 0],
['Battery Status Indicator', 0],
['QBOX', 0],
['CHARGE-BOX', 0],
['Tracker Bar Spring Kit', 0],
['STA-DRY Document Holder', 0],
['24 Volt Fleet Essential', 0],
['L-ALC - ABS Lectracoil 02-03-11', 0],
['L-BSI - Battery Status Indicator  NEW 2-06-12', 0],
['L-EALA - Elec and Air Line Assy 3n1.pdf', 0],
['L-EHD - STA-DRY Harness Brochure 2-06-12', 0],
['L-LWWT - LECTRACOIL with WEATHER-TITE 02-08-12', 1],
['L-PA - Polar Air', 0],
['L-QCS2 - QCS2', 1],
['L-QE - QWIK-E', 0],
['L-S7WC - STA-DRY 7-Way Connetors 2-07-12', 0],
['L-SLCISG - Cast Iron Swinger Gladhands', 0],
['L-SLG - STA-LOCK Gladhand', 0],
['L-SLIM -  Slim-7', 1],
['L-SQCMS - STA-DRY QCMS 02-08-12', 1],
['L-ST - STA-DRY Tracker 02-08-12', 4],
['L-SWG - Swinger Gladhand', 1],
['L-VC1 - Vcheck 1  02-09-12', 0],
['L-VC2 - Vcheck2 02-09-12', 2],
['Permalogic Family inside and outside', 4],
['STA-DRY PRO System - Brochure', 3],
['POLAR AIR&#174;', 0],
['LECTRACOIL&#153; WITH QCP&#153; (Quick-Connect Plug)', 0],
['PERMALITE&#153; XB', 0],
['STA-DRY&#174; 7-Way Connectors', 0],
['STA-DRY&#174; 7-Way Connectors ', 0],
['QWIK-E&#174; Gladhand ', 0],
['STA-DRY&#174; SLIM7&#153; ', 0],
['STA-DRY&#174;  QCS2&#153;', 1]'>Outside Webpage (Iframe)</a></p>                  

2 回答 2


您需要在尝试传递它之前尝试对其进行 URL 编码。

PHP 代码

$Param = <<<LONG
['Tutorial', 0],
['Website How To', 0],
['Photos', 0],
['Tutorial', 0],
['Website How To', 0],
['Photos', 0],
['Core Values', 0],
['Corporate Tour', 0],
['Customer Testimonials', 0],
['Introduction', 0],
['Electrical Assemblies', 0],
['Electrical Connectors', 0],
['Air Assemblies', 0],
['Air Connectors', 0],
['Wire & Cable', 0],
['Battery Terminals & Accessories', 0],
['Wire Terminals', 0],
['Heat Shrink Tubing', 0],
['Cable/Wire Support & Accessories', 0],
['Trailer Harness System', 0],
['Dome Lamps & Controllers', 0],
['Tools', 0],
['Traffic Builders', 0],
['Full Catalog', 0],
['CSA QWIK-FIX Roadside Repair Kit', 0],
['Anodized Swinger Gladhand', 0],
['STA-LOCK Cast Iron Swinger Gladhand', 0],
['Battery Status Indicator', 0],
['QBOX', 0],
['CHARGE-BOX', 0],
['Tracker Bar Spring Kit', 0],
['STA-DRY Document Holder', 0],
['24 Volt Fleet Essential', 0],
['L-ALC - ABS Lectracoil 02-03-11', 0],
['L-BSI - Battery Status Indicator  NEW 2-06-12', 0],
['L-EALA - Elec and Air Line Assy 3n1.pdf', 0],
['L-EHD - STA-DRY Harness Brochure 2-06-12', 0],
['L-LWWT - LECTRACOIL with WEATHER-TITE 02-08-12', 1],
['L-PA - Polar Air', 0],
['L-QCS2 - QCS2', 1],
['L-QE - QWIK-E', 0],
['L-S7WC - STA-DRY 7-Way Connetors 2-07-12', 0],
['L-SLCISG - Cast Iron Swinger Gladhands', 0],
['L-SLG - STA-LOCK Gladhand', 0],
['L-SLIM -  Slim-7', 1],
['L-SQCMS - STA-DRY QCMS 02-08-12', 1],
['L-ST - STA-DRY Tracker 02-08-12', 4],
['L-SWG - Swinger Gladhand', 1],
['L-VC1 - Vcheck 1  02-09-12', 0],
['L-VC2 - Vcheck2 02-09-12', 2],
['Permalogic Family inside and outside', 4],
['STA-DRY PRO System - Brochure', 3],
['POLAR AIR&#174;', 0],
['LECTRACOIL&#153; WITH QCP&#153; (Quick-Connect Plug)', 0],
['PERMALITE&#153; XB', 0],
['STA-DRY&#174; 7-Way Connectors', 0],
['STA-DRY&#174; 7-Way Connectors ', 0],
['QWIK-E&#174; Gladhand ', 0],
['STA-DRY&#174; SLIM7&#153; ', 0],
['STA-DRY&#174;  QCS2&#153;', 1]

echo rawurlencode($Param);




即使您对它进行 url 编码,根据浏览器,URL 的最大限制也是 1024kb 或 2048kb。它仍然会被切断。您需要发布此信息或找到另一种传输方式。

于 2013-05-24T18:57:37.950 回答

您在 href 值上使用单引号,然后在其中再次使用。您必须转义 href 值内的单引号或在 href 值上使用双引号。

编辑:所以这是所有 href 现在看到的在值的外部和内部使用单引号:



于 2013-05-24T18:57:27.590 回答