I am trying to use Socket.io hosted by a Node server. I am using Require.js to manage dependencies. My webapp is Offline capable.

When the webapp is offline, and cannot contact the node server, require.js throws an error because it cannot find the socket.io dependency.

GET http://mikemac.local:8000/socket.io/socket.io.js  require.js:33
Uncaught Error: Script error

In this case I am not using node/io for the majority of the system, just 'bonus' real time notifications. So The app should run without it.

How can I deal with this? I would like a way to detect that it cannot be found and then disable the socket.io functionality until a connection/refresh attempt.


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    enforceDefine: true,
    paths: {
        socketio: [
            //If the CDN location fails, load from this location

define({ offline: true});

require(['socketio'], function (socketio) {
    if (socketio.offline){
        // your library did not load:
    } else {
        // socketio loaded
于 2013-05-25T18:47:42.777 回答