我一直在尝试从已经存在的数组创建一个多维数组。我这样做的原因是我可以将超级数组分成更分类的版本,以便稍后我可以在另一个脚本中仅对这些类别运行 foreach。
这是一段代码 // 请阅读评论 :)
$and = array();
if($this-> input-> post('and')) // This is the super array and[] from a previous input field
if(preg_grep("/reason_/", $this-> input-> post('and'))) // Search for the reason_
foreach($this-> input-> post('and') as $value) // if reason_ is present
$and['reason_and'] .= end(explode('_', $value)) . ' , '; // Remove everything before and including _ so then i would get only values like 1, 2, 3, 4, and then concatenate them to the index
if(preg_grep("/status_/", $this-> input-> post('and'))) // Search for status
foreach($this-> input-> post('and') as $value) // If it is in the super array
$and['status_and'] .= end(explode('_', $value)) . ' , '; // Remove everything before and including _ so then I would get values again like 1,2,3,4,5 and then concatenate them to the index
array(2) { ["reason_and"]=> string(24) "2 , 3 , 4 , 3 , 4 , 5 , "
["status_and"]=> string(24) "2 , 3 , 4 , 3 , 4 , 5 , "
因此,据我所知(这是有限的),当我尝试对数组进行 foreach 时
我只得到一个循环,因为数组 ["reason_and] 只有一个值(24 个字符的字符串?)。是否有可能有 reason_and 每个数字都有一个值?