我喜欢这个库,但找不到任何关于如何将 SquishIt 与 asp.net 主题和脚本管理器一起使用的信息?只要您在同一母版页上有 css 链接和 js 链接,下面的示例就可以在母版页上使用。您如何将 SquishIt 与存储在 App_Themes/Default/ 文件夹中的 css 文件一起使用?以及 asp:ScriptManager 中的脚本?提前感谢您的帮助。

<%= Bundle.JavaScript()

<%= Bundle.Css()

2 回答 2


If these are compiled into the DLL you should be able to treat them as embedded resources and include them via .AddEmbeddedResource. I know for some of the other Microsoft-provided stuff we had to add .AddRootEmbeddedResource because they are namespaced differently (see this issue). But between these two methods I suspect you'll be able to get it working. Might just require some fiddling to find the right name to use.

于 2013-05-28T13:05:47.330 回答

这些被视为资源并编译到 DLL 中。我相信您对此没有影响,以免您自定义构建过程,但我相信您需要 TFS 和/或构建服务器来处理此类内容。

于 2013-05-24T13:24:21.713 回答