我正在尝试使用 boost.mpl 编写一个小型元程序,该程序使用两个通道映射将“命名通道”与音频格式相匹配。

Name 也是一个整数(枚举)。我试图在运行时实现的一个简单示例可能如下所示:

typedef int Name;
std::map<int, int> map_channels(const std::map<int, Name>& m1, const std::map<Name, int>& m2)
    std::map<int, int> result;
    for (std::map<int, Name>::const_iterator it = m1.begin(); it != m1.end(); ++it)
        result[it->first] = m2.find(it->second)->second; // Ignoring errors for example
    return result;

int main()
    std::map<int, Name> m1;
    m1[0] = 20;
    m1[1] = 22;
    m1[2] = 21;

    std::map<Name, int> m2;
    m2[19] = 1;
    m2[20] = 2;
    m2[21] = 0;
    m2[22] = 3;

    std::map<int, int> m3 = map_channels(m1, m2);
    for (std::map<int, int>::iterator it = m3.begin(); it != m3.end(); ++it)
        std::cerr << it->first << ":" << it->second << std::endl;
    return 0;

我正在尝试使用 boost.mpl 编写编译时版本,到目前为止有类似的东西:

typedef map<
      pair<int_<0>, int_<20> >
    , pair<int_<2>, int_<22> >
    , pair<int_<3>, int_<21> >
> m1;

typedef map<
      pair<int_<19>, int_<1> >
      , pair<int_<20>, int_<2> >
      , pair<int_<21>, int_<0> >
      , pair<int_<22>, int_<3> >
> m2;


typedef map<
      pair<int_<0>, int_<2> >
      , pair<int_<2>, int_<3> >
      , pair<int_<3>, int_<0> >
> mapping;


// TODO : Dont know how to obtain a vector of keys from a mpl map
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<2>, int_<3> > m1_keys;
//typedef transform<m1, first<_1> >::type m1_keys; // This does not work. I tried a number of ideas and none worked

// Create the composed function that given a key for m1, looks up the value and then uses that value as a lookup to m2
// This is working fine.
typedef at<m2, at<m1, _1> > composed_m1_m2_expr;
typedef lambda<composed_m1_m2_expr>::type composed_m1_m2_lambda;

// TODO : This fold is no good eithre.
typedef iter_fold<m1_keys, map<>, insert<_1, pair<deref<_2>, apply<composed_m1_m2_lambda, _2 > > > >::type mapping;


struct print_iipair
    template <typename data_tpt>
    void operator()(data_tpt p)
        std::cerr << "k: " << data_tpt::first::value << ", v: " << data_tpt::second::value << std::endl;
        //std::cerr << "value: " << typeid(p).name() << std::endl;

struct print_value
    template <typename data_tpt>
    void operator()(data_tpt p)
        std::cerr << "value: " << data_tpt::value << std::endl;
        //std::cerr << "value: " << typeid(p).name() << std::endl;


1)我将如何创建一个 boost::mpl::vector 包含 boost::mpl::map 的键?

2)我将如何实现这个iter_fold?我认为问题在于 apply 和使用的 _2,但不知道如何克服这个问题



1 回答 1


事实证明,一个解决方案是使用 mpl::fold 而不是 mpl::transform,因为您无法转换 mpl::map,因为它会生成与源序列相同类型的容器并使用 mpl::push_back构造它不适用于地图。


1)我将如何创建一个 boost::mpl::vector 包含 boost::mpl::map 的键?

// Get a mpl::vector containing just the keys from the map m1
typedef fold<m1, vector<>, push_back<_1, first<_2> > >::type m1_keys;


// Create a mapping
typedef at<m2, at<m1, _1> > composed_m1_m2_expr;
typedef lambda<composed_m1_m2_expr>::type composed_m1_m2_lambda;
typedef fold<m1_keys, map<>, insert<_1, pair<_2, composed_m1_m2_lambda::apply<_2> > > >::type mapping;
于 2013-05-29T19:57:22.090 回答