int cnt = ScriptInfoList.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
var value = PrepareXMLDocument(ScriptInfoList[i]);
private static XDocument PrepareXMLDocument(ScriptInfo scriptInfo)
XDocument doc =
new XDocument(
new XElement("scriptfilenames",
new XElement("SqlEye",
new XElement("scriptfilename", new XAttribute("Name", scriptInfo.FileName), new XAttribute("Type", scriptInfo.ScriptType),
new XElement("SqlEyeWarnings",
sqlEyeWarnings.Select(x => new XElement("SqlEyeWarning", new XAttribute("value", x)))),
new XElement("FxCopsWarnings",
fxCopWarnings.Select(x => new XElement("FxCopsWarning", new XAttribute("value", x)))),
new XElement("SqlEyeRemarks",
sqlEyeRemarks.Select(x => new XElement("SqlEyeRemark", new XAttribute("value", x)))),
new XElement("FxCopsRemarks",
fxCopRemarks.Select(x => new XElement("FxCopsRemark", new XAttribute("value", x))))
return doc;
我可以合并 mutilpe XDocuments 吗?
文件 1
<scriptfilename Name="ws_CallLogs_GetByCallId.sql" Type="SP">
<SqlEyeWarning value="SD030: object does not exist in database or is invalid for this operation in Database : ws_CallLogs @ line number : 63" />
<FxCopsWarning value="Avoid using sp_ as a prefix for stored procedure " />
<SqlEyeRemark value="SP017: Consider using EXISTS predicate instead of IN predicate @ line number : 1" />
<FxCopsRemark value="Missing or order mismatch of Grant statement." />
<scriptfilename Name="dbo.StopAutoRenewalEx.StoredProcedure.sql" Type="SP">
<SqlEyeWarnings />
<FxCopsWarning value="Missing schema while addressing object name" />
<SqlEyeRemark value="SP016: Update statements should not update primary key @ line number : 70" />
<FxCopsRemark value="Values hardcoded in where-clause condition " />
<FxCopsRemark value="Values hardcoded in where-clause condition " />
<FxCopsRemark value="Values hardcoded in where-clause condition " />
<scriptfilename Name="ws_CallLogs_GetByCallId.sql" Type="SP">
<SqlEyeWarning value="SD030: object does not exist in database or is invalid for this operation in Database : ws_CallLogs @ line number : 63" />
<FxCopsWarning value="Avoid using sp_ as a prefix for stored procedure " />
<SqlEyeRemark value="SP017: Consider using EXISTS predicate instead of IN predicate @ line number : 1" />
<FxCopsRemark value="Missing or order mismatch of Grant statement." />
<scriptfilename Name="dbo.StopAutoRenewalEx.StoredProcedure.sql" Type="SP">
<SqlEyeWarnings />
<FxCopsWarning value="Missing schema while addressing object name" />
<SqlEyeRemark value="SP016: Update statements should not update primary key @ line number : 70" />
<FxCopsRemark value="Values hardcoded in where-clause condition " />
<FxCopsRemark value="Values hardcoded in where-clause condition " />
<FxCopsRemark value="Values hardcoded in where-clause condition " />
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int cnt = ScriptInfoList.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
var value = PrepareXMLDocument(ScriptInfoList[i]);
var findContent = value.Descendants("scriptfilename");