编译时出现错误。byref 参数类型不匹配提示。“setStandard s2.day(dCnt)”部分被突出显示。不知道如何解决它。dCnt、wCnt、tCnt 和 wCnt 都被声明为整数。
Private Sub S2_Sort()
Dim x As Integer, t As Integer
x = 0
t = tCnt
'loop record
Do While x < t
'loop day
For dCnt = 1 To UBound(S2.Day())
'inpDate = S2.Day(dCnt).DayVal
ReDim S2.Day(dCnt).tList(0)
'If DateValue(S2.Day(dCnt).DayVal) = DateValue(DataRecord(x).StartTime) Then
'loop shift
For tCnt = 1 To UBound(TaskID())
ReDim Preserve S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt)
ReDim Preserve S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).sList(0)
'If x <= UBound(DataRecord()) Then
'If GetTimestamp(S2.Day(dCnt).DayVal, Shift(sCnt).StartHour, Shift(sCnt).HourLen, Shift(sCnt).NextDay, DataRecord(x)) Then
'loop task
For sCnt = 1 To UBound(Shift())
ReDim Preserve S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).sList(sCnt)
ReDim Preserve S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).sList(sCnt).TaskRecList(0)
wCnt = 0
'Do While x <= UBound(DataRecord())
ReDim Preserve S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).sList(sCnt).TaskRecList(wCnt)
''state here all the conditions
If x <= UBound(DataRecord()) Then
If GetTimestamp(S2.Day(dCnt).DayVal, Shift(sCnt).StartHour, Shift(sCnt).HourLen, Shift(sCnt).NextDay, DataRecord(x)) Then
If DataRecord(x).TaskID = TaskID(tCnt).TaskID Then
'should contain the tasks
'get the work time number and list it on stLIst
'S2.Day(dCnt).sList(sCnt).ShiftName = ""
'S2.Day(dCnt).sList(sCnt).tList(tCnt).ResourceName = ""
S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).sList(sCnt).TaskRecList(wCnt) = x
'Compute for task, for the shift, for the day
'compute pataas
S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).sList(sCnt).Val = S2_Compute(x, S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).sList(sCnt).Val)
S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).Val = S2_Compute(x, S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).Val)
S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).MstUnit = DataRecord(x).MeasurementUnit
S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).Cost = DataRecord(x).Cost
S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).ResourceName = S2.Day(dCnt).tList(tCnt).ResourceName + DataRecord(x).ResourceName
S2.Day(dCnt).Val = S2_Compute(x, S2.Day(dCnt).Val)
x = x + 1
wCnt = wCnt + 1
End If
End If
End If
'Loop 'task record
Next sCnt 'Next Shift
'End If 'shift
'End If 'x <datarecord
Next tCnt 'Next Task
'End If 'day
setStandard S2.Day(dCnt).Val
Next dCnt 'Next Day
End Sub