我有一个最初加载时间很长的应用程序,所以我尝试制作一个启动画面。它“几乎”完美地工作。我收到以下错误:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of undefined
它指向我的 app.js 中的特定行。但是,我只是看不出它有什么问题。初始屏幕加载正常并且淡出正常(几乎)。我注意到的是,我创建的 div 似乎仍然存在,但您看不到它,但它仍然掩盖了输入的主体。这是我的 app.js:
enabled: true
var splashscreen;
Ext.onReady(function () {
// Start the mask on the body and get a reference to the mask
splashscreen = Ext.getBody().mask('Dashboard Loading...', 'splashscreen');
// Add a new class to this mask as we want it to look different from the default.
// Insert a new div before the loading icon where we can place our logo.
Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(Ext.query('.x-mask-msg')[0], {
cls: 'x-splash-icon'
Ext.create('Ext.app.Application', {
controllers: ['Main'],
stores: ['Saless', 'ProdGrid002s', 'ProdGrid008s', 'ProdGrid009s', 'Unitcosts', 'Prepaids',
'Logintakes', 'WasteTickets', 'InventoryFinisheds', 'InventoryRoughs', 'Shipments'],
name: 'Dash1',
appFolder: '/html/cgi-dev/millapps/dashboards/Dash1/app',
launch: function () {
// Setup a task to fadeOut the splashscreen
var apptask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function () {
// Fade out the body mask
duration: 2000,
remove: true
// Fade out the icon and message
duration: 2000,
remove: true,
listeners: {
afteranimate: function () {
// Set the body as unmasked after the animation
// Run the fade after launch.
autoCreateViewport: true
.x-mask.splashscreen {
background-color: white;
opacity: 1;
.x-mask-msg.splashscreen div {
font-size: 18px;
padding: 110px 110px 50px 110px;
border: none;
background-color: transparent;
background-position: top center;
.x-message-box .x-window-body .x-box-inner {
min-height: 200px !important;
.x-splash-icon {
/* Important required due to the loading symbols CSS selector */
background-image: url('/resources/images/logo.jpg') !important;
margin-top: -30px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
错误指向代码行 Ext.getBody().unmask(); 这是在afteranimate函数中。我被难住了......