我有一个动态多维数组,每次可以有不同数量的列。要求用户选择从具有 N 列的文件中提取哪些列,并根据此数字创建多维数组“ARRAY_VALUES”。

import numpy as num

DIRECTORY = '/Users/user/Desktop/'
Choice = str( raw_input( 'Which columns do you want to use (separated by a comma):\t' ) ).split(',')
# Input something like this: 1,2,3,4

String_choice = []
PCA_INDEX     = []
Columns = len(Choice)

# PCA_INDEX is a dictionary that the key is a string whose value is a float number.
PCA_INDEX['any_string'] = float_number # The dictionary has about 50 entries. 

ARRAY_VALUES = [ [] for x in xrange( Columns) ]
""" Creating the N-dimensional array that will contain the data from the file """
""" This list has the form ARRAY_VALUES = [ [], [], [], ... ] for n-repetitions. """


lines = open( DATA_DIC_FILE ).readlines() #Read lines from the file
for i in range( 0, len(ARRAY_VALUES) ):
    ARRAY_VALUES[i] = num.loadtxt( fname = DATA_DIC_FILE, comments= '#', delimiter=',', usecols = [ int( PCA_INDEX[i] ) ], unpack = True )
    """ This saves the lists from the file to the matrix 'ARRAY_VALUES' """

现在我已经有了用于 n 列的 ARRAY_VALUES = [[], [], ...] 形式的多维数组。


for j in range(0, len(ARRAY_VALUES)):
    for i in range(0, len(ARRAY_VALUES[0])):
        if num.isinf( ARRAY_VALUES[j][i] ) or num.isinf( ARRAY_VALUES[]): # This is where the problem is.
        # if num.isinf( ARRAY_VALUES[0][i] ) or num.isinf(ARRAY_VALUES[1][i] or ... num.isinf(ARRAY_VALUES[last_column][i]: 
            ARRAY_VALUES2[j].append( ARRAY_VALUES[j][i] ) #Save the values into ARRAY_VALUES2. 


# if num.isinf( ARRAY_VALUES[0][i] ) or num.isinf(ARRAY_VALUES[1][i] or ... num.isinf(ARRAY_VALUES[last_column][i]:

对于具有 n 列的多维数组,因此输出如下所示:

ARRAY_VALUES  = [ [8, 2, 3  , inf, 5],
                  [1, 9, inf,  4 , 5],
                  [7, 2, inf, inf, 6] ]

ARRAY_VALUES2 = [ [8, 2, 5],
                  [1, 9, 5],
                  [7, 2, 6] ]

- 谢谢!


1 回答 1

>>> a = np.array([[8, 2, 3  , np.inf, 5],[1, 9, np.inf,  4 , 5],[7, 2, np.inf, n
p.inf, 6]])
>>> col_mask = [i for i in range(ncols) if not any(a[:,i] == np.inf)]
>>> print a[:,col_mask]
[[ 8.  2.  5.]
 [ 1.  9.  5.]
 [ 7.  2.  6.]]

如果您还没有,请先使用 numpy.array。

然后我们遍历每一列并检查任何 np.infs 以创建允许列的掩码

最后,我们只使用 numpy 的列索引来仅访问我们感兴趣的列

正如 DSM 指出的那样,您可以仅使用 numpy 创建掩码并避免列表理解

col_mask = np.isfinite(a).all(axis=0)
于 2013-05-23T22:40:31.740 回答