我必须编写一个程序来保存一个有 10 名球员的篮球队的统计数据。统计数据是出手次数、命中率;罚球尝试,命中率;进攻篮板和防守篮板;助攻;失误和总分。他们需要放入并行数组中。我正在尝试修改高尔夫记分卡程序,但在找出数组时遇到问题。统计信息将使用以下格式的 txt 文件输入:

10 //这是玩家的数量

1 //这是玩家1
20 //射门尝试
15 //投篮命中
4 //罚球尝试
3 //罚球命中
2 //关闭反弹
2 //def反弹
5 //助攻
2 //营业额
18 //总分

2 //10个玩家以此类推

如果需要,我可以修改 txt 文件


    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.io.*;

    public class BasketballScoreCard {
    private int[] player;
    private int[][] scores;

        // Instantiate and read golf scores from a text file
        public BasketballScoreCard(String fileName) throws IOException {
            // Open the file
            Scanner fileReader = new Scanner(new File(fileName));

            // Read the number of days
            int numPlayer = fileReader.nextInt();

            // Instantiate dates and dailyScores
            player = new int[numPlayer];
            scores = new int[numPlayer][18];

            // Read the scores for each day
            //   Date (yyyymmdd), followed by 18 scores
            for (int i = 0; i < numPlayer; i++){
            player[i] = fileReader.nextInt() ;
            for (int j = 0; j < 18; j++)
            scores[i][j] = fileReader.nextInt();

        // Close the file     

    // Return a string with one line per day.
    // Each line consists of a date and 18 scores
public String toString(){
    String str = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < player.length; i++){
    str += "Player: " + player[i] + " \nScores:";
    for (int j = 0; j < 18; j++)
        str += " " + scores[i][j];
    str += "\n";
    return str;

    // Return a string with two lines.
    // The first line contains the date and scores for the best day
    // The second line contains the date and scores for the worst day
public String highLowDays(){
        // Assume that the first day is the best and worst
    int indexLow = 0;
    int indexHigh = 0;
    int lowTotal = dayTotal(0);
    int highTotal = dayTotal(0);

    // Now consider the remaining days
    for (int i = 1; i < player.length; i++){
    int todayTotal = dayTotal(i);
    if (todayTotal < lowTotal){
        indexLow = i;
        lowTotal = todayTotal;
    }else if (todayTotal > highTotal){
        indexHigh = i;
        highTotal = todayTotal;

    // Format the return string
    String str = "";
    str += "The best day:  " + player[indexLow] + " score: " + lowTotal + "\n";
    str += "The worst day: " + player[indexHigh] + " score: " + highTotal + "\n";

    return str;

    // Return the total for the indicated day
private int dayTotal (int i){
    int total = 0;
    for (int j = 0 ; j < 18; j++)
    total += scores[i][j];
    return total;

    // Return a string with two lines.
    // The first line indicates the hole with the lowest average
    // The second line indicates the hole with the highest average
   public String bestWorstHoles(){
    String str = "";

         return str;

// Return the average for the indicated hole
private double holeAverage (int j){
    int numPlayer = player.length;
    double average = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < numPlayer; i++)
    average += scores[i][j];
    return average / numPlayer;



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