I am kinda new to Vaadin, and already went through their book. My question is about an editable table and how to get the values out of it when it is changed.
So basically what I have is a simple table and I fill this with a HashMap. So edit buttons make the fields editable, and add line button adds a line. The implementation is straightforward. But what I did not manage is the update button, because when I add a line or edit some field I want to get all the changed keys and values as pairs into my hashmap again and do sth with that.
I know that Property.ValueChangeListener
gives you all the cells that changed, but what I need is information about the whole row - not a single cell. For example when val2
is changed to val22
, I want to update my hashmap according to it. Therefore I need to get key2
as well. Simply, I want to get the whole line when something is changed on that. Any ideas on that?
And my UI looks as following and I am using Vaadin 6: