I installed the latest Azure SDK 2.0 on my development machine, but can't find the "Upgrade" button to upgrade my current project to the latest SDK. Googling how to upgrade show that previous upgrades had an "upgrade" button when going to the Cloud Project -> Properties -> Application Tab and the upgrade button will be next to the Windows Azure Tools Version: October 2012.

Why wouldn't I see the Upgrade button? If I want to manually upgrade my project, what would the process of doing so be?

The current version of the SDK used is SDK 1.8


1 回答 1


事实证明,当我打开 Web 平台安装程序以安装最新的 SDK 时,显示“...SDK... - 最新”的项目不是最新的,而是 2013 年 2 月 (1.8.1) 更新而不是2.0 开发工具包。我最终卸载了所有 Azure SDK,重新启动机器并再次尝试。

这解决了这个问题,并为我提供了一个安装 2.0 SDK 的新选项。诀窍是卸载我可以在产品和功能(Win 8)中找到的所有(包括任何 PowerShell cmd)Azure 相关产品。

于 2013-05-24T19:53:50.777 回答