我正在尝试使用 .wav 文件做一些工作,并且我已经能够通过创建一个字节数组来随机播放文件和播放声音(请参阅下面的代码)我想知道是否有我的方法可用于从 .wav 文件中获取字节。我的想法是,如果我可以从 .wav 文件中获取字节,我应该能够像处理随机噪声一样播放声音。这应该可以让我弄清楚如何修改声音。
播放 .wav 文件:
Dim SoundDevice = New Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Device
Dim SbufferOriginal = New Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer(SoundFilePath, SoundDevice)
Private Sub PlaySound()
SbufferOriginal = New Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer(SoundFilePath, SoundDevice)
SoundDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(Me.Handle, Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CooperativeLevel.Normal)
SbufferOriginal.Play(0, Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPlayFlags.Looping)
Catch ex As Exception
'do something for exception
End Try
End Sub
DSdev.SetCooperativeLevel(Me.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Normal)
DSformat = New WaveFormat()
DSformat.BitsPerSample = 8
DSformat.Channels = 1
DSformat.BlockAlign = 1
DSformat.FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm
DSformat.SamplesPerSecond = 8000
DSformat.AverageBytesPerSecond = DSformat.SamplesPerSecond *
'buffer description
DSdes = New BufferDescription(DSformat)
DSdes.BufferBytes = 3 * DSformat.AverageBytesPerSecond
'create the buffer
DSbuffer = New Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer(DSdes, DSdev)
'generate ramdom data (white noise)
Dim rawsamples(22050) As Byte
Dim rnd1 = New System.Random()
Dim tmepno As Integer = 150
For j = 0 To 5
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 22050
rawsamples(i) = 250
tmepno += 1
If tmepno = 255 Then
tmepno = 150
End If
Next i
' load audio samples to secondary buffer
DSbuffer.Write(0, rawsamples, LockFlag.EntireBuffer)
'play audio buffer
DSbuffer.Play(0, BufferPlayFlags.Default)
我要做的是从 .wav 文件中获取字节数组,这样我就可以像播放随机噪声一样播放它。
我编写了以下代码来使用从 .wav 文件中读取的字节:
Dim justsounddata(bytearray.GetLength(0) - 44 - 1) As Byte
Dim bitstring As String
For i = 0 To justsounddata.GetLength(0) - 1
justsounddata(justsounddata.GetLength(0) - 1 - i) = bytearray(i + 44)
bitstring &= bytearray(i)
RichTextBox1.Text = bitstring
Dim workingvalue As String
DSdev.SetCooperativeLevel(Me.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Normal)
DSformat = New WaveFormat()
workingvalue = Mid(bitstring, 35, 2)
workingvalue = StrReverse(workingvalue)
DSformat.BitsPerSample = workingvalue
workingvalue = Mid(bitstring, 23, 2)
workingvalue = StrReverse(workingvalue)
DSformat.Channels = workingvalue
workingvalue = Mid(bitstring, 33, 2)
workingvalue = StrReverse(workingvalue)
DSformat.BlockAlign = workingvalue
workingvalue = Mid(bitstring, 9, 4)
'workingvalue = StrReverse(workingvalue)
DSformat.FormatTag = workingvalue
workingvalue = Mid(bitstring, 25, 4)
workingvalue = StrReverse(workingvalue)
DSformat.SamplesPerSecond = workingvalue
DSformat.AverageBytesPerSecond = DSformat.SamplesPerSecond * DSformat.BlockAlign
'buffer description
DSdes = New BufferDescription(DSformat)
DSdes.BufferBytes = 3 * DSformat.AverageBytesPerSecond
'create the buffer
DSbuffer = New Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer(DSdes, DSdev)
'generate ramdom data (white noise)
Dim rawsamples(22050) As Byte
Dim rnd1 = New System.Random()
Dim tmepno As Integer = 150
' load audio samples to secondary buffer
'DSbuffer.Write(0, rawsamples, LockFlag.EntireBuffer)
DSbuffer.Write(0, justsounddata, LockFlag.EntireBuffer)
'play audio buffer
DSbuffer.Play(0, BufferPlayFlags.Default)
DSbuffer = New Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.SecondaryBuffer(DSdes, DSdev)