将 Vim Syntastic 与 android 项目一起使用。(例如com.myproject.project
import com.myproject.project.SomeClass;
SomeClass someclass = new SomeClass();
看到这篇文章配置 syntastic 以与解决问题的 Android 项目一起正常工作:
let g:syntastic_java_javac_classpath = "/<path-to-your-app>/bin/classes:/<path-to-your-android-sdk>/platforms/android-19/*.jar"
这是对我在 linux vim7.4 和 Syntastic3.7.0-224 中对我有用的各种方法的摘要,每个方法都归功于它们。
方法 1 - 手动创建 .syntastic_javac_config
1. Edit .vimrc and use this syntax:
let g:syntastic_java_javac_config_file_enabled = 1
2. Where you edit your vim files, add this to a file named .syntastic_javac_config
let g:syntastic_java_javac_classpath = '/home/davis/progs/princeton-algos/week1/libs/algs4.jar'
方法 2 - 优势无论您在哪里编辑类路径都是已知的。
1. Edit .vimrc and use this syntax:
let g:syntastic_java_javac_classpath = "/home/davis/progs/princeton-algos/week1/libs/algs4.jar"
方法 3 - 自动生成 .syntastic_javac_config 文件
1. Edit .vimrc and use this syntax:
let g:syntastic_java_javac_config_file_enabled = 1
2. Edit a java file with vim
3. :SyntasticJavacEditClasspath
When the edit window opens, add the class path without quotes and a newline after each entry the class path. In my case, this is the entry
for the setting includes the current folder as well:
4 :wq the edit setting window
5. Now the class path is set for syntastic when editing files from that location. If you edit from a new directory, you will need to repeat the process.