When I compile my specification, the compiler tells me

"error: value s2 is not a member of StringContext"

The salient portion of my specification class is:

import org.specs2._
import specification._
import mock._

class EnterpriseDirectoryActionSpec extends Specification { def is = s2"""
  An enterprise directory action should provide enabled fields
    after a call to doDefault                                   ${c().e1}
    after a call to doSearchPrevious                            ${c().e2}
    after a call to doSearchNext                                ${c().e3}
    after a call to doExecuteSearch                             ${c().e4}

What is causing the error, and how can I correct it?

I'm using Specs2 (artifact specs2_2.10) version 1.14.


2 回答 2



于 2013-05-24T01:07:54.870 回答

For the benefit of others reading this, I put the following into my pom.xml:


...along with the repository entry for snapshots:

    We need this repository in order to have access to a snapshot version of
    the Specs2 testing library for Scala. In particular, the snapshot version
    includes support for using string interpolation in test specifications.
于 2013-05-24T02:54:18.080 回答