我有以下代码将 PDF 上传到 Amazon S3,我需要做的是从 PDF 的第一页创建一个图像并将其上传到 s3。
//instantiate the class
$s3 = new S3(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey);
//check whether a form was submitted
//retreive post variables
$fileName = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$fileTempName = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$fileSize = $_FILES['file']['size'];
$extension=end(explode(".", $fileName));
$rand = rand(1,100000000);
$sha1 = sha1($rand);
$md5 = md5($sha1);
$fName = substr($md5, 0, 20);
$finalName = $fName.'.'.$extension;
//create a new bucket
$s3->putBucket("bucket", S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
//move the file
if ($s3->putObjectFile($fileTempName, "bucket", 'publications/'.$finalName, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ)) {
$aS3File = 'publications/'.$finalName;
$im = new imagick($s3file[0]);
// convert to jpg
$im->resizeImage(640, 877, imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
//write image on server (line 54)
$s3->putObjectFile("","bucket", 'publications/'.$im->writeImage($fName.'.jpg'), S£::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
echo "<strong>Something went wrong while uploading your file... sorry.</strong>";
PHP 致命错误:在 /var/www/ams/pub-new-issue.php:45\n堆栈跟踪:\n#0 /var/www/ 中带有消息“无法读取文件:h”的未捕获异常“ImagickException” ams/pub-new-issue.php(45): Imagick->__construct('h')\n#1 {main}\n 在第 45 行抛出 /var/www/ams/pub-new-issue.php ,