
我正在将图像上传到网站并想提取每个图像 ICC 配置文件的名称并在图像描述中使用它。到目前为止,标准 PHP 没有产生任何结果。我用 Photoshop、Bridge 和 Exiftool 检查了图像,每个都识别出嵌入的配置文件。

$info = exif_read_data($image);
echo 'ICC Profile: '.$info['ICC_Profile'].'<br>';
echo 'ICC Profile: '.$info['CurrentICCProfile'].'<br>';
echo 'ICC Profile: '.$info['ColorSpace'].'<br>';

Imagick 产生了最好的结果:

$imagick = new Imagick();
print_r ($imagick->getImageProfiles("icc",true));



PHP 版本 5.2.17 - imagick 模块版本 3.0.1 - ImageMagick 版本 6.7.6-8

print_r返回(对于“ProPhoto RGB”ICC 配置文件):

Array ( [icc] => �KCMSmntrRGB XYZ � :acspMSFTKODAROMM���+KODAcprtHdesc\�wtpt�rTRC�gTRC�bTRC�rXYZgXYZbXYZ,dmnd@ndmdd��mmod�(textCopyright (c) Eastman Kodak Company, 1999, all rights reserved.desc ProPhoto RGB��ProPhoto RGB ProPhoto RGBXYZ ���,curv�XYZ �4I�XYZ "��>XYZ �-descKODAK��KODAKKODAKdesc'Reference Output Medium Metric(ROMM) (��Reference Output Medium Metric(ROMM) ) '参考输出介质公制 (ROMM) mmod......;' )

完整(来自 Exiftool):

Profile CMM Type                : KCMS
Profile Version                 : 2.1.0
Profile Class                   : Display Device Profile
Color Space Data                : RGB
Profile Connection Space        : XYZ
Profile Date Time               : 1998:12:01 18:58:21
Profile File Signature          : acsp
Primary Platform                : Microsoft Corporation
CMM Flags                       : Not Embedded, Independent
Device Manufacturer             : KODA
Device Model                    : ROMM
Device Attributes               : Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
Rendering Intent                : Perceptual
Connection Space Illuminant     : 0.9642 1 0.82487
Profile Creator                 : KODA
Profile ID                      : 0
Profile Copyright               : Copyright (c) Eastman Kodak Company, 1999, all rights reserved.
Profile Description             : ProPhoto RGB
Media White Point               : 0.9642 1 0.82489
Red Tone Reproduction Curve     : (Binary data 14 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Green Tone Reproduction Curve   : (Binary data 14 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Blue Tone Reproduction Curve    : (Binary data 14 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Red Matrix Column               : 0.79767 0.28804 0
Green Matrix Column             : 0.13519 0.71188 0
Blue Matrix Column              : 0.03134 9e-005 0.82491
Device Mfg Desc                 : KODAK
Device Model Desc               : Reference Output Medium Metric(ROMM)
Make And Model                  : (Binary data 40 bytes, use -b option to extract)

1 回答 1



$imagick = new imagick('/some/filename');
$profile = $imagick->getImageProperties('icc:model', true);
 * If the property 'icc:model' is set $profile now should be:
 * array( 'icc:model' => 'ICC model name')

如果您想查看为图像设置的所有属性,可以使用 手动探测图像identify -verbose /some/filename。在那里你必须寻找“属性:”,ICC 名称应该在那里设置。

以上是获取ICC配置文件名称的简单方法。如果您确实需要 icc 配置文件中的 ICC 名称,您可能需要查看ICC Profile Format Specification


  • 前 128 个字节是标头。然后是一个标签表,其中前 4 个字节是表的大小。
  • 每个标签由 4 个字节的三元组组成。前 4 个字节是标签的名称。接下来的四个字节是 icc 文件中数据的偏移量。接下来的四个字节定义标签数据的大小。

我们对“desc”标签感兴趣(参见规范中的第 63 页)。

  • 描述本身再次以“desc”开始,然后保留四个字节。接下来的四个字节定义 ICC 配置文件名称的大小。


$image = new imagick('/path/to/img');
try {
    $existingICC = $image->getImageProfile('icc');
} catch (ImagickException $e) {
    // Handle it
    $existingICC = null;

if($existingICC) {
    // Search the start of the description tag in the tag table.:
    // We are not looking in the 128 bytes for the header + 4 bytes for the size of the table
    $descTagPos = stripos( $existingICC, 'desc', 131 );
    if( $descTagPos === false) {
       // There is no description, handle it.
    } else {
        // This is the description Tag ( 'desc'|offset|size each with a size of 4 bytes
        $descTag = substr( $existingICC, $descTagPos, 12 );

        // Get the offset out of the description tag, unpack it from binary to hex and then from hex to decimal
        $descTagOffset = substr ( $descTag, 4, 4 );
        $descTagOffset = unpack( 'H*', $descTagOffset );
        $descTagOffset = hexdec( $descTagOffset[1] );

        // Same for the description size
        $descTagSize = substr ( $existingICC, $descTagPos + 8, 4 );
        $descTagSize = unpack('H*', $descTagSize);
        $descTagSize = hexdec( $descTagSize[1] );

        // Here finally is the descripton
        $iccDesc = substr( $existingICC, $descTagOffset, $descTagSize );

        // See page 63 in the standard, here we extract the size of the ICC profile name string
        $iccNameSize = substr( $iccDesc, 8, 4 );
        $iccNameSize = unpack( 'H*', $iccNameSize);
        $iccNameSize = hexdec( $iccNameSize[1]);

        // Finally got the name.
        $iccName = substr( $iccDesc, 12, $iccNameSize );
        echo "ICC name: $iccName\n";
于 2015-05-21T10:04:58.617 回答