* Constructs a regular expression to restore tainted RegExp properties
function createRegExpRestore () {
var lm = RegExp.lastMatch,
ret = {
input: RegExp.input
esc = /[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g,
reg = [],
cap = {};
// Create a snapshot of all the 'captured' properties
for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
cap['$'+i] = RegExp['$'+i];
// Escape any special characters in the lastMatch string
lm = lm.replace(esc, '\\$0');
// Now, iterate over the captured snapshot
for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
var m = cap['$'+i];
// If it's empty, add an empty capturing group
if (!m)
lm = '()' + lm;
// Else find the escaped string in lm wrap it to capture it
lm = lm.replace(m.replace(esc, '\\$0'), '($0)');
// Push to `reg` and chop `lm`
reg.push(lm.slice(0, lm.indexOf('(') + 1));
lm = lm.slice(lm.indexOf('(') + 1);
// Create the property-reconstructing regular expression
ret.exp = RegExp(reg.join('') + lm, RegExp.multiline ? 'm' : '');
return ret;
// Create a 'restore point' for RegExp
old = createRegExpRestore(),
// Run your own regular expression
test = someOtherRegEx.test(someValue);
// Restore the previous values by running the RegExp