我有一个 Sql 语句,我需要为其生成相应的 Lambda 表达式(Linq)。这是SQL
Declare @CurrentUserId as int
Declare @CurrentDate as datetime
Set @CurrentDate = GetDate()
Set @CurrentUserId = 1
Select C.conferenceId,C.specialtyId,C.name,C.city,S.abbr as statebbbr,CTRY.name as countryname,C.startdate,C.enddate
from Conferences C
Inner join (
Select distinct SpecialtyId
from UserContent
Where UserId = @CurrentUserId and DeletedFlag = 0
) DT on C.SpecialtyId = DT.SpecialtyId
Left outer join State S on C.StateId = S.StateId
Inner join Country CTRY on C.CountryId = CTRY.CountryId
Where C.DisplayStartDate <= @CurrentDate
and C.DisplayEndDate >= @CurrentDate
and C.DeletedFlag = 0
and C.Publish = 1
Order by C.startdate ASC
什么是 lambda(linq) 表达式呢?