这是我的堆 12 文件,我一直在我的 hashCode() 上收到错误...请帮助,我收到一个断言错误,它应该是偶数它看起来与我同行的代码相似,导师也无法弄清楚。 http://ieng6.ucsd.edu/~cs12s/Assignments/P4/README.html <--- 这个链接可能会有所帮助。
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*; //Used for JUnit
public class Heap12<E extends java.lang.Comparable<? super E>> implements PQueue<E>
private int size; //initialize the size
private E[] listArr; //initialize the list
public Heap12()
size = 0; //size is zero
listArr = (E[]) new Comparable[5]; //the capacity is starting at 5
public Heap12(Heap12<E> present)
listArr = (E[]) new Comparable[present.listArr.length];
for(int i = 0; i < present.listArr.length; i++) //this is used to copy
listArr[i] = present.listArr[i];
size = present.size; //set the size
public void add(E e)
if(e == null) //if there is nothing to add
throw new NullPointerException();
else if(size == listArr.length) //if the size is equal
{ //to the length
E[] duplicate = (E[]) new Comparable[listArr.length * 2];
for(int i = 0; i < listArr.length; i++) //make the length longer
duplicate[i] = listArr[i]; //duplicate the array
listArr = duplicate; //make listArr equal to the duplicate
listArr[size] = e; //add the element
size++; //incremenet the size
bubbleUp(size-1); //update treee
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
if(o == null) //if o is a null object.
return false;
else if(o instanceof Heap12) // if the compared hting does not equal 0
return false;
else if(((Heap12<E>)o).size() != this.size())
return false; //check if the size matches
for(int i = 0; i < listArr.length; i++) //go through every value
if(((Heap12<E>)o).listArr[i] != this.listArr[i])
return false; // in the array and if one does no equal
return true;
public int hashCode()
int hashCode = 1;
for (E e : listArr)
hashCode = 31 * hashCode +(e == null ? 0 : e.hashCode());
return hashCode;
public boolean isEmpty()
if(size == 0) //check if it the heap is empty
return true;//then return true
return false;//if its not empty return false
public E peek()
if(size == 0) //if there is nothing to peek
return null;//reutrn null
return (E) listArr[0]; //return the parent
public E remove()
if(size == 0) //if there is nothing to remove
return null; //reuturn null
E e = (E)listArr[0]; //save the value of the parent
listArr[0] = listArr[size-1]; //move the parrent
size--; //decrement size
trickleDown(0); //update tree
return e; //returned delted value
public int size()
return size;//return size
private Heap12(E[] e)
listArr = e;
size = 0; //the size is big as the length
public static <T extends java.lang.Comparable<? super T>> void sort(T[] t)
if(t == null) //throw null Pointer Exception if it is Null.
throw new NullPointerException();
Heap12<T> sortHeap = new Heap12<T>(t); //instantiate
for(int i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
for(int i = sortHeap.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) //sort it
t[i] = sortHeap.remove();
private void bubbleUp(int place)
int parent = (place - 1) / 2; //find where the parent it
if(place == 0) //return if thereis no parent
if( ((E)listArr[place]).compareTo(((E)listArr[parent])) > 0)
swap(listArr, place, parent); //if the place is greater than parent
bubbleUp(parent); //switch the values and do for all values.
private void trickleDown(int place)
int left = (2 * place) + 1; //instantiate left and right
int right = (2 * place) + 2;
if(place == size-1)
if(left >= size)
if(listArr[left] == null)
if(size==2) //if only 2 nodes left with parent and left
if(listArr[place].compareTo(listArr[left]) < 0)
swap(listArr, place, left); //swap them
while( right < size && ((listArr[place].compareTo(listArr[left]) < 0) ||
(listArr[place].compareTo(listArr[right]) < 0))) //keep going as long
{ // as right node isn't null and if there are higher priorites
if(listArr[left].compareTo(listArr[right]) > 0)
{ //left child with higher priority
swap(listArr, place, left);
place = left; //swap left and parent
else //right child has high priorty
swap(listArr, place, right);
place = right; //swap parent and right
left = (2 * place) + 1;
right = (2 * place) + 2;
private void swap(E[] objectA, int place1, int place2)
E temp = objectA[place1]; //save the temp value so it won't
objectA[place1] = objectA[place2]; //be lost and then replace with
objectA[place2] = temp; //desired value then switch it
这是我的测试方法,我很想通过 hashCode()。
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*; //Used for JUnit
public class Heap12Tester extends TestCase
public static void main(String args[])
junit.swingui.TestRunner.main(new String[] {"Heap12Tester"});
public void testhashCode()
Heap12<Integer> sampleHeap = new Heap12<Integer>(); //instantiate two
sampleHeap.add(100); //add two vales
Heap12<Integer> sampleHeap2 = new Heap12<Integer>(sampleHeap);
assertEquals(sampleHeap.hashCode(), sampleHeap2.hashCode());
sampleHeap.add(1000); //make the heaps uneven
assertFalse(sampleHeap.hashCode() == sampleHeap2.hashCode());
sampleHeap.remove(); //remove the values added
assertTrue(sampleHeap2.equals(sampleHeap)); // <--------------------- error here
assertTrue(sampleHeap.hashCode() == sampleHeap2.hashCode()); <--------- andhere