我正在使用 GoogleMapsSDK 和 Parse 的框架。

如果我一起使用它们,Parse 中的一个错误会因为链接器标志 -ObjC 而触发所需的 facebook 键。这是 Parse 论坛上的一个有据可查的问题,以及除了 GoogleMaps 之外的其他框架的问题,一般的解决方案是导入 Facebook SDK。我对以任何方式使用 facebook 都不感兴趣,我不想将它添加到我的项目中,所以如果有不同的方式可以调用链接器标志,我将不胜感激。

一些答案说的是 -force_load 而不是 -ObjC 但它需要一些我不知道如何获得的额外信息。


请提供与 GoogleMapsSDK 一起使用的准确 -force_load 以避免使用链接器标志 -ObjC



1 回答 1


Back when I was testing the original version 1.0 of the SDK I tried using this:

-force_load $(PROJECT_DIR)/GoogleMaps.framework/GoogleMaps

More details on what I was trying here.

It seemed to work at the time, although it caused problems with Google's fix to allow the SDK to not crash on startup with iOS 5.0 with SDK 1.1.0 (see here), and I haven't tried it since, so it might not work with the current version.

You might need to adjust the -force_load a bit depending on your path to the GoogleMaps framework relative to your project directory.

Can you provide a link to the bug reports with Parse and -ObjC? I am using the Google Maps SDK with -ObjC and Parse (but not with Facebook), and haven't had any problems. However I'd be interested in knowing what to look out for in case I want to do more with Parse in the future. Thanks.

于 2013-05-23T06:28:56.157 回答