跟踪后台命令的一种方法是将信息存储在某个文件中。命令的名称在整个系统中可能不是唯一的,因此您无法检查。您可以将进程 ID 存储在配置文件中,并通过字符串检查命令:
function execInBackground($cmd)
$running = false;
// get the state of our commands
$state = json_decode(file_get_contents("state.json"));
// check if the command we want to run is already running and remove commands that have ended
for ($i = 0; $i < count($state->processes); $i++)
// check if the process is running by the PID
if (!file_exists("/proc/" . $state->processes[$i]->pid))
// this command is running already, so remove it from the list
else if ($cmd === $state->processes[$i]->command)
$running = true;
// reorder our array since it's probably out of order
$state->processes = array_values($state->processes);
// run the command silently if not already running
if (!$running)
$process = proc_open($cmd . " > /dev/null &", array(), $pipes);
$procStatus = proc_get_status($process);
$state->processes[] = array("command" => $cmd, "pid" => $procStatus["pid"]);
// save the new state of our commands
file_put_contents("state.json", json_encode($state));
"processes": [
"command": "missilecomm launch -v",
"pid": 42792
(我是 JSON“说服”,但你可以使用任何你想要的格式;))
清除完成的命令,它只能在 Linux 上运行。您必须找到另一种方法来检查 Windows 上是否存在进程 ID。此代码未经测试,我也不确定我的proc_*