我必须为新报告创建sql查询。问题是我必须做 11 Left Outer Join!哦,是的,这是不好的部分。当我执行查询 Oracle 生成此错误:

ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP
01652. 00000 -  "unable to extend temp segment by %s in tablespace %s"
*Cause:    Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for
           a temporary segment in the tablespace indicated.
*Action:   Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more
           files to the tablespace indicated.


谢谢, 瓦卢德


3 回答 3



于 2013-05-22T16:23:59.320 回答

If it's not to do with aggregation, as ninesided mentions ...

Oracle 9i and below had a problem with outer joins, particularly with hash outer joins, that might be relevant -- until 10g the driving table for table_a = table_b(+) had to be table_a, and this could mean that an efficient hash join where table_a was smaller than table_b could not occur. The alternative often turned out to be a sort-merge, which could require a lot of temp storage.

The cure could be to upgrade from a version for which extended support ended three years ago ;)

于 2013-05-22T16:28:36.480 回答


select bytes/1024/1024/1024 GB, dba_segments.*
from dba_segments
where segment_name = '<table_name>';


select free_space/1024/1024/1024 GB, dba_temp_free_space.*
from dba_temp_free_space;


还要检查其他进程是否正在使用大量临时表空间。假设 8K 块大小:

select blocks * 8 * 1024 /1024/1024 MB, v$sort_usage.*
from gv$sort_usage;
于 2013-05-22T18:14:00.547 回答