我以此为例在页面加载时创建我的弹出窗口。该代码在本地运行良好,但是当我将其添加到服务器上时,它无法正常工作。我认为某些脚本可能与它冲突,但我不确定是哪个。我在 Magento 1.7 上运行。
添加 CSS 和 JS
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->getJSUrl('pop/colorbox.css'); ?>" media="screen"/>
<link media="screen" rel="stylesheet" target="_blank" href="<?php echo $this->getJSUrl('pop/popup.css'); ?>" />
<script language="javascript" src="<?php echo $this->getJSUrl('pop/colorbox.js'); ?>"></script>
$(document).ready(function (){
// load the overlay
if (document.cookie.indexOf('visited=true') == -1) {
var fifteenDays = 1000*60*60*24*15;
var expires = new Date((new Date()).valueOf() + fifteenDays);
document.cookie = "visited=true;expires=" + expires.toUTCString();
$.colorbox({width:"580px", inline:true, href:"#subscribe_popup"});
$(".open_popup").colorbox({width:"580px", inline:true, href:"#subscribe_popup"});
第 3 步
在页脚添加 HTML
<p>The subscription popup will activate if no cookie is set. Once the popup is closed a cookie is set which expires every 15 days. You can manually activate the subscription box below.</p>
<a href="#" class="open_popup">Click here to open the popup</a>
<!-- This contains the hidden content for inline calls for the subscribe box -->
<div style='display:none'>
<div id='subscribe_popup' style='padding:10px;'>
<h2 class="box-title">Never miss an update from Papermashup</h2>
<h3 class="box-tagline">Get notified about the latest tutorials and downloads.</h3>
<!-- BEGIN #subs-container -->
<div id="subs-container" class="clearfix">
<!-- BEGIN .box-side -->
<!-- BEGIN #subs-container -->
<!-- END subscribe popup-->