- 没有直方图,列中的每个值都是均匀分布的
- 相等运算符将选择 5% 的行(没有直方图或动态统计信息)
- 每列中的数据独立于其他每列中的数据
- Furthermore, for queries with bind variables, a single cost is computed for further executions (even if the bind value change, possibly modifying the cardinality of the query)
- ...
These assumptions are made so that the optimizer can return an execution cost that is a single figure (and not an interval). For most queries these approximation don't matter much and the result is good enough.
However, you may find that sometimes the situation is simply too complex for the optimizer and even gathering extra statistics doesn't help. In that case you'll have to manually optimize the query, either by adding hints yourself, by rewriting the query or by using Oracle tools (such as SQL profiles).
If Oracle could devise a way to accurately determine the execution cost, we would never need to optimize a query manually in the first place !