I already have a way of clustering my graph, so the process of clustering isn't the issue here. What I want to do is, once we have all the nodes clustered - to draw the clustered graph in Python, something like this:

enter image description here

I looked into networkx, igraph and graph-tool, but they seem to do the clustering, but not the drawing. Any ideas and propositions of what library should I use for drawing the already clustered graph, which will minimize the number of crossing links?


1 回答 1


看看 GraphViz http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery/directed/cluster.html 有一个 Python 绑定,但我不得不说我总是直接创建文本文件,因为它们很容易编写。不要被看似简单的示例所迷惑,您的图表的每个方面都是高度可定制的,您可以使用它制作一些非常漂亮的图表可视化。虽然不确定嵌套集群,但从未尝试过。

于 2013-07-29T22:28:29.927 回答