我的 aspx.cs 的页面加载方法是这样的
namespace BHELDISP
public partial class welcomeuser : System.Web.UI.Page
DataClass obj = DataClass.getObj();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (obj.getdate1() != null&&obj.getdate2() != null)//here is my problem where if load in other browser also this if getting executed
{ //instead of else, i think its because of static object..but how can resolve this one
//doing some calculation..
obj.setdate(txtdate1.Text);//first text box
namespace bal
public class DataClass
public string date1;
public string date2;
static public DataClass dcobj;
static public DataClass getObj()
if (dcobj == null)
dcobj = new DataClass();
return dcobj;
return dcobj;
public string getdate1()
return date1;
public void setdate1(string date1)//store date1
this.date1 = date1;