I need to get product's information in shopping cart. I mean to say if we add a product in cart I Need its Product ID and category ID of that item.

I want information of product attributes (e.g product's ID, Price, Parent id) whenever a product is added to cart at the shopping cart. How can I get that?


1 回答 1

$catid = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($this->getProduct()-> getCategoryIds($_item->getProductId()))->getName();

I have written this code at /checkout/cart/item/default.phtml , You can follow the step it will work out surely.

This is the answer , will follow instruction accordingly Mr. benmarks. Actually I have just started posting stackoverflow. I am working on solution where this product in one or more categories.

Sorry if i have misinterpreted anything.

于 2013-05-22T11:45:27.200 回答