
namespace my_lib{

template<typename T>
class foo{
    T data;
    // blah blah



namespace my_lib{
namespace wrapper{

template<typename T>
void copy(const foo<T>& my_foo, other_lib::foo<T>& other_foo)
    // copy my_foo.data to other_foo



// forward declare other_lib::foo
namespace other_lib{
template<typename T>
class foo;

namespace my_lib{

// forward declare wrapper::copy
namespace wrapper{
template<typename T>
void copy(const foo<T>& my_foo, other_lib::foo<T>& other_foo);

template<typename T>
class foo{
    T data;

    friend void copy(const foo<T>& my_foo, other_lib::foo<T>& other_foo);
    // blah blah





1 回答 1


Syntactic tricks to get friend to work on other namespaces aside, the proper way is to fix your design. The interface of foo is simply not complete if it needs to grant a copy() function in some completely unrelated namespace friend access.

One way to go is to put copy() inside foo (and any other algorithm that users of foo need). When done right, this leads to a complete and usable class foo. E.g. take a look at std::list which has it's own sort() member function to take advantage of the list implementation details. However, this can quickly lead to a bloated class interface for foo (just look at std::string), so it's not recommended as a general rule.

Alternatively, you could provide a minimal set of data access member functions (preferably iterators, not handles to raw data) so that other classes can implement algorithms that work on foo. With a regular container (array, vector etc.) as data representation inside foo, this would be my recommendation for general use.

However, since your class foo has a tricky sparse matrix representation, you should probably try the algorithms-as-members-approach first.

于 2013-05-22T09:27:47.333 回答