for (Ball ball; ballList)
"Cannot impliciltly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<BallSeparation.Ball>' to 'bool'"
public partial class StartGame : Form
public List<Ball> ballList { get; private set; }
/**int bBA1; //The x axis from the upper left corner
int bBA2; //The y axis from the upper left corner
int spdBBA1; //The change of x
int spdBBA2; //The change of y
public StartGame()
this.ballList = new List<Ball>();
private void StartGame_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ballList.add(new Ball(5, 10, 1, 1));
//Loads the ball on the screen at bottom of the window
bBA1 = this.ClientSize.Width / 5; //The x axis the ball is loaded at
bBA2 = this.ClientSize.Height - 10; //The y axis the ball is loaded at
spdBBA1 = 1; //The speed of the ball of y
spdBBA2 = 1; //The speed of the ball of x
private void StartGame_Paint_1(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
//This foreach loop will run through all the balls in ballList
for (Ball ball; ballList)
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, ball.positionX, ball.positionY, 10, 10);
//This is the inner paint color of the circle that is 10 by 10
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, bBA1, bBA2, 10, 10);
//This is the outline paint color of the circle that is 10 by 10
e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Blue, bBA1, bBA2, 10, 10);
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
bBA2 = bBA2 + spdBBA2;
bBA1 = bBA1 + spdBBA1;
if (bBA2 < 0)
spdBBA2 = -spdBBA2; //If y is less than 0 then it changes direction
else if (bBA1 < -5)
spdBBA1 = -spdBBA1;
else if (bBA2 + 10 > this.ClientSize.Height)
spdBBA2 = -spdBBA2; //If y + 10, the radius of the circle is greater than the form width then we change direction
else if (bBA1 + 10 > this.ClientSize.Width)
spdBBA1 = -spdBBA1;