I'm making my first extension trying to learn Magento. I'm kind of stuck at a part, because I'm wanting to customize the \app\design\adminhtml\default\default\template\widget\grid.phtml
file, BUT more than just CMS > Pages uses that file. Is there anyway to break it out so that the CMS > Pages section points to a different grid.phtml
file? Surely there is a way I just can't seem to figure it out at the moment.
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Since you have your own extension, you can change block template via your layout update file. If you don't have one, create it (app/design/adminhtml/default/default/your_extension.xml) and add the following lines into adminhtml section of your extension's config.xml:
And your layout update file (in our case it is your_extension.xml) should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<reference name="cms_page.grid">
<action method="setTemplate">
Within __construct
in the class Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Cms_Page_Grid
I can put this code
and define whatever template I want. Awesome. Now it is just a matter of making it all upgrade friendly and including it all into my extension in the config.xml