我有一个“广告”类,在其中我在 Ad.m 中设置了一个静态变量:

static NSDictionary *citiesDict = nil; // class variable 

在同一个文件中,我实现了一个类方法,如果尚未加载,则基本上加载城市名称及其索引号的 plist 文件,最后将作为参数传递的数字值转换为城市名称:

+(NSString *) cityFromNumberValue:(NSString *)cityNumberValue
    // load the cities from the plist file named "cities" if it's not already loaded
    if (!citiesDict)
        NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"cities" ofType:@"plist"];

       citiesDict = [[NSDictionary alloc ]initWithContentsOfFile:path];
       NSLog(@"loading plist");


NSLog(@"will return value");
NSArray *temp = [ citiesDict allKeysForObject:cityNumberValue];  
NSString *key = [temp lastObject]; 
return key ;

并且总是在同一个文件中,我实现了一个 init 方法来将 Dictionary 转换为 Ad 对象,其中它使用 Class 方法 +cityFromNumberValue:cityNumberValue :

-(id) initWithDictionary: (NSDictionary *) dictionay
    self = [super init];
    if (self)
    // convert the number to name of city
    self.departureCity= [Ad cityFromNumberValue:[dictionay objectForKey:@"ad_villedepart"]]; 
    self.arrivalCity=   [Ad cityFromNumberValue:[dictionay objectForKey:@"ad_villearrivee"]]; 
return self;

而且我在同一个文件中还有一个从 Web 服务获取广告的方法,它在 for 循环中调用方法 +cityFromNumberValue:cityNumberValue: :

+(NSDictionary *) fetchAdOfPage : (NSInteger) page PerPage : (NSInteger) perPage
    NSMutableArray *  adsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    NSMutableArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfURL:url];

// convert the new fetchted dictionnaries of Ads to an Ad objects

for (NSMutableDictionary *dictAd in array) 
  // convertion using the designated initializer

    Ad *ad = [[Ad alloc]initWithDictionary:dictAd]; 
    [adsArray addObject:ad]; 

    return dictFinal ;

在 mu 控制器的其他地方,我将这个 fetch 方法称为:

 // do request on async thread
        dispatch_queue_t fetchQ = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
        dispatch_async(fetchQ, ^{

            NSDictionary * dict = [Ad fetchAdOfPage:currentPage PerPage:kAdsPerPage];

            dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{



 NSArray *temp = [ citiesDict allKeysForObject:cityNumberValue];

但是我第一次遇到这个错误,我之前没有得到它,我使用相同的代码三个多月,一切正常,我什至无法再次重现相同的错误!在放置 NSLog 以查看发生了什么后,我总是得到:

2013-05-21 19:39:20.141 myApp[744:3b03] loading plist
2013-05-21 19:39:20.151 myApp[744:6303] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.151 myApp[744:3b03] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.152 myApp[744:6303] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.153 myApp[744:6303] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.154 myApp[744:6303] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.153 myApp[744:3b03] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.155 myApp[744:6303] will return value


2013-05-21 19:39:20.141 myApp[744:3b03] loading plist
2013-05-21 19:39:20.142 myApp[744:6303] loading plist
2013-05-21 19:39:20.151 myApp[744:6303] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.151 myApp[744:3b03] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.152 myApp[744:6303] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.153 myApp[744:6303] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.154 myApp[744:6303] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.153 myApp[744:3b03] will return value
2013-05-21 19:39:20.155 myApp[744:6303] will return value

该应用程序没有崩溃,但是自从我使用 if 语句检查后,出现了两次奇怪的“加载 plist”!所以我猜有两个线程已经进入:

if (!citiesDict)


 [ citiesDict allKeysForObject:cityNumberValue]; 

就在可能导致崩溃的 if 语句“枚举时集合发生突变”之后,这可能是真正的情景吗?


        citiesDict = [[NSDictionary alloc ]initWithContentsOfFile:path];
        NSLog(@"loading plist");



3 回答 3


@synchronized(citiesDist) 不是最好的,但应该可以解决您的问题...无论如何,在我看来,一旦线程安全环境中的变量以这种方式使用 GCD,初始化的最佳方法是:

static dispatch_once_t once;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
    citiesDict = [[NSDictionary alloc ]initWithContentsOfFile:path];
    NSLog(@"loading plist");
于 2013-05-21T19:11:49.530 回答

使用静态对象时,最佳实践是使用 dispatch_once,这将确保您的代码只执行一次,从而为您提供完整的线程安全

为静态对象使用 getter 方法也是一个好习惯

+ (NSDictionary *)getCitiesDict {
    static dispatch_once_t pred;
    static NSDictionary *citiesDict = nil;

    dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
        NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"cities" ofType:@"plist"];

        citiesDict = [[NSDictionary alloc ]initWithContentsOfFile:path];

    return citiesDict;


[[OwnerClass getCitiesDict] valueForKey:@"key"]; // OwnerClass is the name of the class where this is defined
于 2013-05-21T19:13:43.273 回答

You're on the right track. In order to implement thread-safe loading of that array from within the same method, synchronize it and put a null check in it:

    if (!citiesDict)
        citiesDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
        NSLog(@"loading plist");

Put that above code into a function that you call before you read the array. Essentially you want to avoid reading the array while it is loading.

于 2013-05-21T19:10:35.547 回答