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您可以使用接受事件参数的函数来处理视频元素的 onclick 事件。这个事件参数将填充大量关于鼠标点击的数据,包括它在图层中的 X/Y 位置(应该是视频标签)

只有当点击在视频的某些区域时,您才能从那里触发播放/暂停事件。我在下面提供了一个示例,我们处理视频中除底部 50 像素以外的所有地方的点击。

document.getElementById("videoElement").onclick = function(ev){
    var vid = document.getElementById("videoElement");
    var heightOfControls = 50; 
// You'll have to figure out a good height to use for your unclickable region where the controls are.
// I used 50 pixels as an example.
    var areaAboveControls = vid.height - heightOfControls;

// the layerY attribute of the event lets us know where the mouse was within the topmost layer when the click occurred.
// Using this we can find out where we are in the video and react accordingly.
// Remember that 0 is at the top of the screen on the Y axis, so we need to use greater than to find out if it's BELOW
// our area above the controls.
    if(ev.layerY > areaAboveControls)
        alert("Clicked controls!");
        alert("Did not click controls");
        // Raise play/pause event from here since the controls won't handle the event and we can safely toggle play/pause.

通过一些实验,您应该能够为 heightOfControls 找到一个不错的值,它可以为您提供您正在寻找的行为。

小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/hTYck/4/


于 2013-05-21T17:48:46.947 回答