System.NotSupportedException: The entity or complex type Model.APPLICANT' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query
public IEnumerable<APPLICANT> GetApplicant()
IEnumerable<APPLICANT> applicantdata = Cache.Get("applicants") as IEnumerable<APPLICANT>;
if (applicantdata == null)
var applicantList = (from app in context.APPLICANTs
join a in context.Profiles
on app.Profile_id equals a.PROFILE_ID into output
from j in output.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new APPLICANT() { APPLICANT_ID = app.APPLICANT_ID, APPLICANT_LastName = (j == null ? app.APPLICANT_LastName : j.Applicant_LASTNAME) }).Take(1000).AsEnumerable().AsQueryable();
applicantdata = applicantList.Where(v => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(v.APPLICANT_LastName)).AsEnumerable();
if (applicantdata.Any())
Cache.Set("applicants", applicantdata, 30);
return applicantdata;
if (applicantdata.Any())
我希望有人可以提出建议或找到解决此问题的方法。. 谢谢