I'm using jQuery's AJAX for getting new content from server. Data is loaded in JSON:

    url: url,
    data: {
        'ajax': '1',
    dataType: 'json',
    success: somefunction

For server-side application limitation, I'm not able to setup more JSON variables inside so I have to load everything into content. That is why I have to load result into jQuery, than search and replace some elements on page, like this (used in somefunction):

var somefunction = function(data) {
    var con = $('<div></div>').html(data.content); // just $(data.content) is not working
    ... // same process with three more divs

EDIT: Please, note that I have to do same process to replace three divs!

There is more about that, but as example, it's enough I hope. My question: For some logic way, I expect that loading result into DOM ($(data.content)), parsing to html (con.find('dix#ajax-content').html()) and back to DOM ($('div#mainContent').html()) seems to me like loosing some resources and decreasing the perfomance so I would like to know if there is any faster way to do it and load DOM directly, like:


I tried to google it but maybe I don't know what to type in. Also jQuery documentation does not helped me a lot.

Some facts:

  • jQuery 1.9.1
  • jQuery UI 1.10.3 available

Finally, I know that it would be much more better to do something with server-side app to provide more JSON variables, however, I need to write not-so-easy peace of code which is requiring longer time to develop which I don't have right now. Doing it on client side would be temporary solution for now, however, I don't want to decrease performace a lot.


is it correct to use find() function in this case or there is any better one?

EDIT 2 (not working parsing string) I'm expecting this working but it's not:

content = '<div id="ajax-title">Pečivo běžné, sladké, slané</div>
<div id="ajax-whereami"><a href="/category/4">Chléba a pečivo</a> » Pečivo běžné, sladké, slané</div>';

3 回答 3




现在您不必设置元素的 html 并获取您刚刚从 JSON 创建的元素的 html。不确定这是否真的更快,但它确实跳过了 2 个 html() 步骤。

于 2013-05-21T01:55:45.980 回答

实际上,$(data.content)应该可以正常工作,但您必须记住,顶级元素只能通过.filter()而不是.find(). 如果您希望定位的元素至少比您应该使用的根深一级.find();在下面的示例中,您可以在适当的地方替换.filter()为。.find()

var $con = $(data.content);


  .append($con.filter('div#ajax-content, div#another-id, div#and-another-id'));


  .append($con.filter('#ajax-content, #another-id, #and-another-id'));


data.content好的,当换行符出现在错误的位置时,jQuery 似乎无法正确评估;这应该适用于所有情况:

var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.innerHTML = data.content;

var $con = $(wrapper);
于 2013-05-21T01:53:32.197 回答


$("#mainContent").load(url + " #ajax-content", data);

您可以通过仅发送特定的 ajax 内容(较少下载和解析)来提高服务器端的性能,尽管这可能很困难。

除此之外,您最好的选择是在 jQuery 上使用 vanilla JS,至少用于附加(innerHTML直接使用)。

于 2013-05-21T01:51:33.140 回答