我有一张卡片数组列表 ArrayList 手;假设手={2S,3H,2D,6H,4C}。我需要一种方法来对 arraylist 手进行排序,以便得到hand = {4C,2D,3H,6H,2S}
. 我知道 enum 有一个方法compareTo()
public class PlayingCard implements Comparable
//Instance Variables
private Suit suit;
private Rank rank;
public PlayingCard(Suit suit, Rank rank)
this.suit = suit;
this.rank = rank;
public int compareTo(Object other)
PlayingCard that = (PlayingCard)other;
if (this.suit == that.suit)
return -this.rank.compareTo(((PlayingCard)other).rank);
return -this.suit.compareTo(((PlayingCard)other).suit);
//Representation of the Suit of a Playing-Card
public enum Suit
private char symbol;
private Suit(char symbol)
this.symbol = symbol;
public char getSymbol()
return this.symbol;
//Representation of the Rank os a Playing-Card
public enum Rank
DEUCE('2'), TREY('3'), FOUR('4'), FIVE('5'), SIX('6'), SEVEN('7'),
EIGHT('8'), NINE('9'), TEN('T'), JACK('J'), QUEEN('Q'), KING('K'), ACE('A');
private char symbol;
private Rank(char symbol)
this.symbol = symbol;
public char getSymbol()
return this.symbol;
public class PlayingCardHand {
//Instance Variables
private int cardsInCompleteHand; //Maximum # cards in this hand
private ArrayList<PlayingCard> hand; //A hand of Playing-Cards
private Comparator comparer; //Client-provided comparison of PlayingCards
//Appropriate when PlayingCard compareTo() is to be used to compare PlayingCards
public PlayingCardHand(int handSize) {
if (handSize < 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Hand size cannot be less than 1");
cardsInCompleteHand = handSize;
hand = new ArrayList<PlayingCard>();
public void sortCards()