我正在尝试使用 Office Open XML SDK 将自定义标题添加到 Word 文档。我想继承默认的 Heading1 样式,但由于某种原因,下面的代码从头开始创建了一个 styles.xml 文件,并且只包含我的新样式。
我希望生成的 styles.xml 也包含默认样式(Normal、Heading1、Heading2、Heading3...)。我该怎么办?
using (var package = WordprocessingDocument.Create(tempPath, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document))
// Add a new main document part.
var mainPart = package.AddMainDocumentPart();
var stylePart = mainPart.AddNewPart<StyleDefinitionsPart>();
// we have to set the properties
var runProperties = new RunProperties();
runProperties.Append(new Color { Val = "000000" }); // Color
runProperties.Append(new RunFonts { Ascii = "Arial" }); // Font Family
runProperties.Append(new Bold()); // it is Bold
runProperties.Append(new FontSize { Val = "28" }); //font size (in 1/72 of an inch)
//creation of a style
var style = new Style
StyleId = "MyHeading1",
Type = StyleValues.Paragraph,
CustomStyle = true
style.Append(new StyleName { Val = "My Heading 1" }); //this is the name
// our style based on Heading1 style
style.Append(new BasedOn { Val = "Heading1" });
// the next paragraph is Normal type
style.Append(new NextParagraphStyle { Val = "Normal" });
style.Append(runProperties);//we are adding properties previously defined
// we have to add style that we have created to the StylePart
stylePart.Styles = new Styles();
stylePart.Styles.Save(); // we save the style part
这是生成的 styles.xml 文件:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<w:styles xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main">
<w:style w:type="paragraph" w:styleId="MyHeading1" w:customStyle="true">
<w:name w:val="My Heading 1" />
<w:basedOn w:val="Heading1" />
<w:next w:val="Normal" />
<w:color w:val="000000" />
<w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" />
<w:b />
<w:sz w:val="28" />